

The Past!
When I look at the past, all I can see is a lone girl trying to get everyone's attention, trying to gain everyone's trust, trying hard to be successful, trying everything she could but still not succeeding. People often say Live your life like you won't have any regrets afterwards.
But I can see I have many regrets.
I have invested much time trying to please the wrong people.
I tried to gain the trust of the people whose only motive was not to trust me.
My friends were those who rejoiced at my failure.
I was too immature to know the meaning behind their wicked smirk.

My parents used to warn me against such friends. But being a teen, I had my own pride. I wanted to take my own responsibilities. I wanted to grow on my own. Little did I know what was waiting for me on the other side.

My past still haunts me. Now I am full of depression, anxiety, loneliness and more of an overthinker. My past takes part in almost all of my life decisions.