

The problems I am facing w adventures of Manikandan
Sooooo, long time no seeee. I know, I know, it's been 7 months. But I was kind of busy. Also,. this is not coming from Manikandan, but from me. I will no longer be able to continue the series as of now. Because it is mad complicated. Idk if you all want to listen to my rant but, I will anyways. First of all, I freaking made the East wing matter too caotic. I said the students were being sorted into both the wings, so there is no chance that there are ghosts in there. Also, why the hell is Manikandan interested in a place where his bff is staying. I mean he can ask whatever he wants to know from him. Second of all, If akriti is giving him a flower on his birthday, she must acknowledge him. WHY IS SHE IGNORING HIM ON THE TRIP?! And why did his father and grandfather scold him. They didn't even know where the flower was from. Third of all, I need someone to explain to me why, didn't I describe the appearance of the characters and "the great mansion" I am referring to.
There. that's my rant. I will not be continuing w/ the original storyline anymore. Instead, I will restart, from scratch, and rebuild the storyline. I will not be posting anything that I am not satisfied with. So it may take longer.
Also, the previous posts will not be archived as I want to learn from the mistakes. And everyone should be able to read the OG.

Thanks for understanding.

© Jasmine