

**He is still my father**
The car sped through the dark night, it's headlights flashing, warning the incoming traffic. Angry, snarling thunderstorm boomed in rage, shaking the whole town to its core while the white lightning danced its way through the nearly black clouds that concealed the moonlight. People are seen hastening to some secure places while some cars were stopped in the middle of the road as the people that left them there hurried away, worrying to get home safely was the only thing that preoccupied their minds.
He needs to make it there before everything takes to an injurious turn. He swerved his car, increasing his speed limit as the seconds ticked by. His body shook in fear and his right leg trembled slightly, that happens when he’s surrounded by apprehension and by the current situation, he is deeply worried about his well-being. One more raging thunder growled, making him jump in his seat a little. Everything’s going hazy as the rain poured unceasingly that every drop makes a loud thumping sound on the roof of his car. Even with the continuous use of the wiper against his windshield, he’s still uncertain about his direction. Throughout his rain covered window, the only thing he can make out are the some blurred shops, those had lighted signboard on them.
His hands seem to loosen from the steering wheel as he started feeling his head go frenzy, not a good combination. The car was now out of control as it glided through the slippery road, even the little power over it was completely lost. He knew he was dying. He clutched his hands together tightly, mumbling frantic prayer even though it was of no use. The car bumped harshly with the sidewalk and turned over, making him close his eyes tightly. He felt his head smashing with the steering wheel. Warm liquid along with its putrid smell oozed out from his forehead as he cried out in pain. The car rolled over and over until it came to stop after crashing into a large supermarket. The glasses of the window shattered due to the car’s heavy weight, some piercing his skin even though he was upside-down.. The last thing he saw the blurred smokes blowing off from the headlights of his car as the car was badly deformed due to the crash. He wished he never left for Brighton today morning as his eyes closed and he passed out.
‘He was badly hit on his head. We are still not sure but it may lead to concussion due to the collision but we are uncertain. He is unresponsive, just the breathing rate is what we collected as far. His earlier medical records states he is a smoker and that damaged half of his right lung. He requires a lung transplant or he won’t live. We need to hurry, step up to the surgery, miss, or else your father is in great danger. Thankfully, he wore the seat belt and that prevented him from flying out of the car. We can collect a lung but it will cost 2 million dollars. If you’re ready to pay the money, there are no worries. The surgery will be done within that day or else you need to bring one immediately.’ ranted Dr. Kinsley, with pity lingering her voice.
A smoker? When did he turn like that? It seems like I have never known him my entire life. The father I used to know never took a drag of those harmful substance and scolded if anyone took it in front of him. I knew it would come to this point very soon. But where do I collect this huge amount of money from? My father may be rich and powerful but I was no daughter of his anymore since the day he kicked me, his own daughter out of the house. He remarried after my mother’s death due to cancer, to a wicked lady who’s profound hunger for my dad’s company, Coulson Ent. grew profusely. She wants the company registered under her name and still Dad has no idea of her intention as he is so blindly in love with that woman and she surely takes advantage of that.
I was just 16 years old when he kicked me out. I roamed my neighborhood with only my favorite maroon suitcase in hand and my mother’s shawl which I made sure I didn’t forget. It’s the only thing that makes me feel her faint presence due to the smell that was laced with the shawl. It was almost midnight when I begged Ms. Richard, a widow, also my parents’ close friend to take me in and thankfully, she did without hesitation. Since then, I worked had just to prove myself that I was reliable and not dependent. I worked my muscles off, taking shifts from morning till evening. The pay wasn’t sufficient but I somehow managed with my immense effort, to feed myself and Ms Richard. I graduated with top degree at business and accounting, making some job option available for me.
And now, I just work as an accountant at this company, Lincoln Inc. I would have collected the money by now but I had to give away my this month’s salary to Ms. Richard for her dialysis treatment, therefore leaving me with insufficient money for myself.
‘I’ll try to gather it by tomorrow. Just make sure he gets better.’ I pleaded.
Even if he kicked me out, I still considered him as my loving father. He was one when mother was alive. He provided me with his fatherly love and made me feel like I’m precious to him. Everything changed after mother died.
‘Sure Miss Allison.’ Said Dr. Kinsley and hanged up.
I go to google and search the contact numbers listed in my father’s company to keep in touch with him. There were 6 numbers and I was unsure about which number to call. Finally, picking one, I dial it and wait as nervousness filled my nerves.
‘Hello?’ came a sound which I despised with my whole body. The voice of my stepmother, or wicked money-hungry lady, Cassandra Wilkins. I don’t think I’ll ever forget her crooked, sickly voice even if I try to. Since when she receives the office numbers?
‘Oh Cassandra! Pleasure to hear your voice! How am I so blessed?’ I greeted with strong sarcasm, loitering my voice.
But it’s no surprise when she laughs. Oh god! How dense can she be!
‘Of course! Who wouldn’t want to love to hear my deary voice!’ she jokes, laughing but the only thing I feel is disgust engulfing me.
‘So full of yourself as always, Cassandra. Do you know where is your husband?’ I ask, taunting her.
‘Who are you and what do you want with him?’ she immediately snarled without missing a beat.
‘That will be answered shortly but I seek an answer to my question. Are you really that dimwitted to understand what I meant?’ I retort back, loving every second of this conversation.
‘Shut up! My husband is none of your concern! He is off to Brighton for his business meeting and now excuse me I have work to do rather than listen to some useless bickering’ Cassandra spoke in her stern tone which didn’t even faze me a bit.
‘Well, Cassandra, Its Aliana Allison. My father was met with a car crash. Were you aware of that situation?’ I asked in my fiery tone, time to get down to work.
‘Oh Aliana, the unfortunate daughter! I guess he’s dead?’ laughed Cassandra.
I tensed and my right hand curled into a tight fist in rage. As expected, she seems happy about it so that she can announce he is dead and take over the company. Of course, she will put up her phony act of being shattered. But as long as I’m alive, I’ll never let that happen. I know she will make up some new about how my dad passes the company to her.
‘Thankfully, no, greedy coward. Send some money from my father’s bank account which I know you have the access to.’ I order.
‘Who are you to order me, darling, huh? I transferred all his money to mine and destroyed the card, So bad, he can’t be saved.’ She mocked.
So she knew. She knew my father needed money for his surgery. She knew he was in a car crash and yet decided not to do anything about it. How cruel can she be!
She cut the phone off immediately after laughing cruelly. I toss my phone on the bed and pace over my whole room. Who else to contact now? His own wife just denied to help. How was father so madly in love with her? 20 million dollars? How do I collect it and from whom?
Looks like I’m on this alone. I need to pay up by tomorrow if I want my father to live. I need to save his life, help him recover in one way or the other. He needs to live! He is the only one close family left for me and I don’t want him ripped away from me.
After wracking my brain for some way, I came up with the last solution, one that is really threatening to my life. I need to risk my life for it as there are no way I can collect that much money. I hope it saves him and he will remember it. I doze off to sleep with that thought burning my mind.

The next day, I visit my father. Tears flow out freely, cascading through my warm cheeks. I can even taste the salty taste of the tears. There, on the hospital bed laid my father with several tubes running down his nose and wrists. His head was completely wrapped in white band aid. He had bandages all over his arms and legs too. His eyes were closed as if he was sleeping, as if he wasn’t in an accident. Looking at him, a glimpse of my mother memory jumped into my mind.
The same memory where my mother breathed her last breath through the oxygen mask which was completely unnecessary. She closed her eyes after a last smile that was directed at me and my dad who held me. That was the day I was completely devasted.
I place a small kiss on my father’s bandaged forehead as tears glistened on my face. I hold his cold hand into my warm, rough ones and touch it to my cheek.
Please wake up, dad….
I pleaded through my mind but it never worked. I stand up, leaving his hand, ignoring the strong urge to hug him tightly once. Sparing a last glance and a small, audible goodbye, I walk out of the room to where I need to work on my solution for him to come to life.
The sun rays piercing through the glass window made him groan him loudly. He felt his head pounding mercilessly. He couldn’t feel his legs as they were numb. His hands twitched due to being in one positon for almost one entire week. He let out another grunt and tried his best to sit up.
‘Oh Mr. Coulson? You are up!’ exclaimed a voice he can’t recognize.
That person helped him sit up straight, raising the pillow part of the bed a little so that he can lean. He rubbed his droopy eyes and finally looked around. The room he was in looked like a hospital room, small with a wheeled desk and the ECG machine beside him. His eyes fell on the person that helped him sit up. It turned out to be a doctor, a woman to be exact. She was noting down something on the file she carried, tilting her dark framed glasses a bit.
‘W-What am I doing here?’ he asked, his voice hoarse, and his throat ached severely for water.
As if she heard his thoughts, she handed him a glass of water and smiled.
‘I’m Doctor Kingsley. Do you remember being in an accident, Mr Coulson?’ asked the doctor.
After gulping down the whole water, he handed back the glass and wiped his mouth with his hospital robe’s sleeve. Then, the memories hit his head like a truck. He remember how he crashed into a supermarket, how he wished he wasn’t going to Brighton that day for that stupid meeting that nearly took his life away.
‘Yes. But how was I brought here?’ he asked confusion hinting his voice.
‘You were rescued by a local man who called an ambulance right away as soon as he spotted you. I called your daughter and informed your accident to her. I-‘ she was interrupted sharply by him.
‘My daughter? Why? What about my wife? How did you contact her?’ he fired questions after question, misperception filling his mind.
‘She was your family so we had to contact her first but your wife wasn’t reachable.’ Informed the doctor, inspecting him closely.
‘What did she do? I mean my daughter? She is poor and she can do nothing. I bet she ignored whatever you told her. I mean she should after what I did to her. Contacting her was the most useless thing you did on your part.’ He sneered in disgust.
‘Actually contacting was what saved you today. You were undeniably almost close to death with a nearly damaged lung and the injuries that occurred to you. She saved you.’ said the doctor sternly.
‘Oh please! What can she even do? She is literally poor. I know she told you to lie to me so that she can just gain my love but so sad I know her intentions. She is pathetic and I know she-’ he was interrupted this time by the doctor.
‘She gave her own life away, just to provide a lung for your transplantation. She gave her own healthy lungs to save your life.’ Said the doctor strictly, her lips plastered in a thin line.
He was mouth opened by the time she finished. His ears can’t just believe it. His daughter is dead? His little Ali is dead? He closed and opened his mouth to utter something out but not a sound came out. He felt a frightening shiver run down his spine. His heart rate increased rapidly, beating so loudly that it can be heard in the quiet room. Finally, he let out a excruciatingly, painful sob.
When it actually registered to him, he started thrashing on the hospital bed, crying loudly. The doctor called out other nurses and some rushed in to hold him down. he shouted almost close to losing his vocal cords. NO!
No..No..No.. His daughter can’t be dead. His little Ali, his precious Ali isn’t dead! NO!
He felt a sharp prick on his arm as the doctor sedated him. His shouting decreased to whispers and his eyes felt heavy. Murmuring and wailing weakly, he passed out.
He held a grand funeral for his precious Aliana. He constantly screamed in agonizing pain, on his knees, gripping some lilies in his hand tightly that the flowers almost started wilting. He hugged the large rock and cried. He regretted, he regretted kicking his own daughter out, He regretted marrying. He regretted for not staying beside his daughter when she needed him the most. He regretted it all.
He instantly divorced Cassandra after he came to about her wicked intentions but the damage was already done. He now has no one beside him. He lost his beloved wife and now his precious daughter, the daughter who never once hesitated to give up her life for him.
Days passed and as he grew old, he never remarried. He led a sorrowful life with constant distress surrounding his life. He buried himself in work to avoid some pain and it worked only a little. He missed them so badly that he went mad. He went officially mental that he was admitted to an asylum where he cried every night for them, just wishing he was dead. That was the only thought that was rooted in his mind. No one can save him now. His half-life was teared away from him when his wife and daughter died and now he is eager to lose all of it, to join them and to find some relief.

Let me know how it was! Thank you!!