

An Affairs... Part III.
Note : Please Read The Earlier Episodes I and II for better understanding. LENGTHY STORY MORE THAN 4,200 WORDS. NOT PARAGRAPED.

Next day her husband came to her and said that tomorrow I want to bring one person her with your consent.She asked what?. Now I want to introduce the girl to you. She is very eager to see you. She without knowing anything she has given her consent to him He was much pleased. I contacted Dr. He will only you will survive hardly for a month ( or ) Hence I decided to bring her here. Isi't o.k for you. She simply nodes her head of having understood of what he has been told to her.

As such she has not thought of anything as she knows her husband. Whatever he does will be for good only. She closed her eyes in exhaustion.
He said she has not see her mother so far. When I told about you she wants to see you atlest once before your demise. That's her wish. Yesterday itself she forced me to take her here. But I refused, Cox, our son and daughter was here. I don't want to embrace you all. Already they are very much angery with me. I don't want to add fuel to it. I think you can understand what I am trying to tell you.

Do you really feel that I will cheat you that too at this stage. Whether you know ( or ) not,when we were small my father asked me to read daily few pages from M.K.Gandhiji's Autobiography of, " My experiments with truth". If we're not read, then we're not allowed to take coffee on that day. Atleast to drink coffee, we use to read the book. In that book Gandhi said that if you touch your wife after certain year's of age, you should feel as if you're touching the paper. I am not after anybody for sex. The cheapest thing available on earth is sex only now-a-days. Coz, I am telling like that you don't take it otherwise. I am telling the practicality.

You remember after our marriage, you are not interested in marriage. When I asked you why you're like that you have told everything to me that you're raped by someone while you returned from the remote area where you're worked. Coz, of that you have conceived and since you don't have anybody and you have stayed in a orphanage, you gave birth to the child after you left that place. Then you have put the child in one Orphanage. After that only I met you. I proposed my love to you. First you refused and finally you accepted me and we got married in a registered office. That time if you have told I would have found out that female child, but you told after few years of our marriage that time we have two children. Still my search was continued for your female child. Very recently I could able to locate her. Now she is somewhere around twenty three years roughly. But unfortunately she is a blind. She couldn't see this World. I legally adopted her as our daughter. She was much angery with her mother. I told her that you're my daughter coz, I have adopted you. One day I will take you to my house. You can see your mom. When I am your father means, naturally my wife is your mother like that I cajoled her. She is very much eager to see her new mother. By the time he is telling her daughter's story whom she left in the orphanage, now she's going to see her daughter. She catch hold of his hands in gratitude. Her eyes started sending tears.
Then he said that, this is between you and me only. Don't tell it to our children. Already I got a bad name Let it be. I can bear it. Your name should not be spoiled coz, you have not done wantedly. O.k Promise me. I know that you will not tell. Still as a precaution I am telling to you. I don't want you to be project as a bad mother coz, no fault of you. She couldn't control her feelings. But still what he says is one way correct also. She simply modes her head.
She asked in a sign language wherein she?. He said that I asked her to wait outside this room. Let me go outside to bring her here. She came slowly and sit in her bed. She started feeling her by touching her hands, then her cheeks and trying to recognise by touching her face again and again. She came near to her and hugging her tightly. Now she realised that what for she was alive for all these years. Once again it's proved that Love Only Rules This World.

Author's note: As usual share your opinions in your comments.

© Kannan