

Don't go against the flow that will get caught in trouble that shouldn't be.

True, in life there are trials, but do not dare to bear burdens that should not be borne. Get back on track immediately.

God already has the best plan for us. Before arriving at the destination, you must pass through several stations. If there is a wrong address for the pitstop referred by God, then it is clear that you have lost your way and will not arrive at your destination.

There are many ways to go to Rome? That's right. Please choose the route you shouldn't be, and still feel happy. But who will be involved in our happiness?

If the route was associated to God's direction, of course along the way even to the destination, it will give the best satisfaction and the best outcome with the widest possible happiness for many of them & us, more than the results obtained through the wrong route.

The least level of the test, even if it is considered to have passed a tough test, is actually the lightest

Upholding justice as well as possible

How do we know the correct route as designed by God? Simple.

Watch for excitement / impulse. There is more than one excitemen per second / minute / hour / day / week / month / year. Choose a passion that is useful and can be done. Do not choose the most beneficial, because it limits goodness. As long as it's useful, then fine and do it.

- Water the flowers
- Mow the lawn
- Read the book
- Sports

The key is one, observe such strong urge. If the fluctuation is normal, it could be a routine that should not be abandoned (buying bread, shopping, filling gas, washing vehicles, and so on).

Once we realize that there is turmoil in wanting to tidy up the warehouse, garage, first aid kit, and the fluctuation is very strong or at least more intense than doing our routine, it is a sign of "Grand Design of Life"

Even if you suddenly want to pet a cat, treat your classmate. Whatever it is if:

- the urge is strong
- bring benefits
- possible to do
{does not violate environmental, law & religious regulations}

* then you have found "TASK OF LIFE"Do duties of life according to a proper situation & condition, then you are at the right tracks. The correct route *

Isn't this relative? Which rules should be used to prevent violations? Different religions have different rules, different locations have different rules. This is not a problem, because the standard of breaking the rules is not determined by certain religions, certain beliefs, but by the standards of goodness that exist in us.

This is where God is not in a hurry to accuse us of being bad, because everyone has limits. But that doesn't mean we can be lazy.

Here God tests us according to their circumstances, and the point is one, is there a sign of goodness in them? If there is continuously goodness, this is where God will put on the appropriate track step by step until the point of success - guided by God.

If you ask "does the excitement of having to pet a cat have any impact on our future success?" Not! What is decisive is that we want to manifest a strong urge that is good.

What is the rationale, manifesting enthusiasm for the little things is part of an integrated system for the good of our future? Simple ... why do you believe something is trivial. It may be that what is underestimated is actually a big thing, and vice versa.

A simple example, it could be that God is tapping our hearts to pet the cat to form a soft feeling for us (while other people can just kick the cat). This seemingly simple thing, but psychologically has a big impact on us in the future, as preparation for a task that requires tenderness.

And another simple thing that is actually a moral upbringing, the training of himself from Him to be better prepared to face even greater goodness.

The greater the happiness, the more readiness is needed to maintain it, and this is where God trains. Shouldn't we also do it ourselves as a "life plan"? Yes, of course you can. But it's up to you, choose your own version or God's version which is certainly more guaranteed.

I call them "LIFE TASKS FROM GOD." You may call it homework from God. Or some say "karma".

Whatever it is, at least you understand the process - the stages of achieving justice in life that are not only for us but also for others according to God's will

A great design of our life, Law of Attraction - GRAND DESIGN
© Seremonia