

Prodigy/Chapter 6/The Ferry- shoutout to Queen Animate for being so kind about my series :)
"Mother, what are you doing here?" I ask the fake Carmelli.
My real mom tells me, "I have made grave mistakes. I took a ferry here. Let's go back home with Maatiaas."
I yell to Maatiaas to come here. He totters into the room, and then cries happy tears once he sees Mom.
"I thought Daddy was sick-" Maatiaas whimpers.
"He's better, hon!" Mom says, joyfully.
Minnio and the real Carmelli, who was carrying Riikiia, came and said their goodbyes.
The ferry was a beautiful way to ride home. There were dolphins who swam side-by-side with the boat.
When I got home, life was normal again.
Except one thing-
Mom married a new man because our other dad passed away from the sickness- maybe this man will be a good fit, since he says he knows Minnio.
The crowd cheers after Minnio finishes his song and I play a long drumroll. I can hear Maatiaas singing along.
I'm glad we made the lullaby into a rock song!