

Dark Secrets Excerpt
Excerpt from new story Dark Secrets 🖤🌹

I began to feel uncomfortable as his eyes checked me up and down before landing on my face. He began to walk closer as I took a step back. He stopped after I retreated, but continued to stare. I noticed something about his eyes as he stared at me. They had begun to have a red tint. I hadn't realized that I took a step closer. As I stared into his eyes, I felt like I had fallen into a trance. My feet took small steps until I was just an inch away from him. He slowly brought his hand up and motioned for me to come closer. I did until I was right in front of him. His hand came up again to cup my cheek. It was freezing, but I continued to stay still.
"What is your name?" He whispered in my ear.
"Amethyst." I whispered back softly.
"You are the one they’ve been looking for."
I felt myself step back immediately. A chill ran through my bones as I felt my breath shake.
My eyes staring at his as I whispered "Who?"
His lips curled up into a haunting smirk.
"Why, the Royals dear Amethyst".

© Sierra321