

I just love him.
At night, after the sad news of the assassinated president of my country Haiti I was very down, I called my whole family to talk to them, and I couldn't stop thinking with the man I love. I have not spoken to him for more than two months, I would never want to do it again but love always wins and my heart also always wins.

I love him, I can't love anyone but him.I decided to write to him and he responded as if it was what he expected, he is a little shy and so slow to take a decision but he has a good heart. When I talk to him, I feel very energetic and powerful to create new things and to have new idea cause he is the man I love. He is a give from Eternity to me. A gift from Jesus Christ to me. I just have to be a little more patient.

At night, my man spoke to me, I spoke to him, and his voice and his writing helped me to have a peaceful night. I really love him... I really can't stop loving him.

© RebChrist888