

The rise of the evils chapter 3
Dragons are an unknown threat to say the least.Great creatures with immense power.All sizes some were smart enough to speak human language and others were only there to attack.But this dragon Meliodas has encountered is something truly amazing.The great protecter of the ancient blade of Akabane.Now Meliodas will fight.Good luck mighty hero

Meliodas stands on the ground.Mountins surround him and a massive dragon flies above him.Red electricity travels through his body and blade.The dragon stands attop one of the mountins.Snow starts to fall as winter arrives.The slayers are in the dragon's nest.The woman slayer despretly runs around and finds every human still alive.Douzens of slayers including her husband trapped in some sort of hard salavia made by the dragon.She runs to her husband and the slayers start to free the others.The cold snow falls on Meliodas's blade and breaks into smaller pieces landing on the floor.
"Tell me dragon.Ive heard of tales from your kind.They say you went extinct years ago.I need information dragon."
The dragon flies down and breathes fire everywhere.Meliodas quickly runs to the right and avoids getting burnt.
"Our species were extinct.It was the king who let me guard that blade from intruders like you!"
Meliodas looks down at the blade as it glows bright.
"You...seek the fallen kingdom do you not?THEN BEST ME IN THIS BATTLE!"
Meliodas smiles and flips the blade in his hand.As the dragon rushes toward Meliodas the blade starts to power up.Meliodas stands ready then runs forward yelling.The dragon tries to breath fire but Meliodas swings the blade letting out force redirecting it upward into the air.It can be seen all the way from Zakamore.Meliodas lands on the dragon's head and rolls until stabbing the blade into the top of its head balancing himself.He stands up as the dragon takes off into the sky.Meliodas holds onto the blade and takes a deep breath.He lets go of the blade and falls backward onto the dragon's back as the dragon flies upward.Meliodas dives downward then last second grabs onto the tip of the dragon's tale.He looks back up and locates the scale that came lose from earlier.He then lets go and falls to the ground the blade still in the dragon's thick head.The dragon stops flying upward and starts diving downward head first.Meliodas's blonde hair blows crazy as he falls and the wind goes against him.He looks up and see's the dragon diving towards him.He starts diving to get to the ground faster.He falls onto the ground flat breaking open his chest and breaking his arm and leg as the bone points out.The dragon pulls up as to not hit into the ground.Meliodas looks up as his blood pours down his face and his skull is cracked open.Yhe flesh on his jead pulls together and the bones sticking out of his leg and arm push back mending the flesh together.He stabds ul as the blood steams away into a gray mist.
"Who are you human!?"
The dragon asks in fear.
"Me?...Im just a boy from a small kingdom.Im also the last person you'll see before your death."
The dragon grinds it's teeth together as it flies upward again.Meliodas runs up the mountin and just in time grabs onto its tail.The wind makes his hair brush backward and dries his eyes.Meliodas tries to climb by the dragon's scales.The dragon stops when higher than the mountin and flings its tail upward shooting Meliodas into the air.It then tries to bite Meliodas.Meliodas's arm is crushed by the dragon's teeth bu Meliodas himself held on with his feet by the dragon's nose.He grunts and pulls back his shoulder breaking off his arm and gushes blood everywhere.He jumps up and the dragon tries to fly away.It fails as Meliodas runs on its back his arm growing from nothing.The dragon head for a mountin in hope to get Meliodas off but can't make it in time.Meliodas's arm fully grows back.He dives forward and grabs onto the sword of Akabane.He pulls it from the dragon and jumps to the dragon's left wing.He uses the sword to stob himself on the dragon's scales and under the left wing an opening of one huge scale stands.Meliodas stabs the blade into the gap fully.The dragon flicnhes and struggles.Meliodas stanned a nerve of yhe dragon forcing his left wing to not work.The dragon lowly falls because of this and crashes through the mountin.On the other side in grinds its face against the steep mountin slopes.Meliodas is already off of the dragon and rolls down the mountin.As the dragon's head crashes into the ground and an entire mountin of snow falls down.Meliodas then falls onto the ground beside the dragon's face.He slowly drags himself up and can barely see anything but dust covering the air.
The dragon says in a weak voice
"...The blade...You can wield it even though you are not a decendant...Fantastic...The kingdom...Lies north...The river of gold leads into and osean of sorrow.The kingdom lies on the mountins above that osean..."
"Im not a fan of riddles but fine...thank you dragon..."
"Dramorqa...My name is Dramorqa..."
Meliodas says in a sad voice.He realises the dragon was only tasked to do what he did and he didn't murder anyone...
"Do not be sad of my death.You have given me sweet release.Please...stop the evils..."
"What?...The evils what?"
"The king's spell is to be broken soon...the evils will rise...you...must stop them...you have a destiny..."
The dragon says with its last breath as its eyed close.Meliodas looks sad and bows his head.
"You did it!"
The woman slayer says.Meliodas stays silent.
"Whats wrong?"
"Nothing...I must go...I have buisness..."
Meliodas stops in his tracks.
"That armor of yours isnt well."
Meliodas looks at his armor broken and not even really armor anymore.
"I do not need armor."
"I know you are immortal but if you are fighting that time it takes to heal will put you at a dissadvantage.This dragon's bones can make and armor fit for a warrior...a hero.We have a blacksmith that can make it in less than a few hours."
Meliodas is silent for a bit then says
"Fine...I'll wait I have some buisness anyway."
The woman says.The rest of the slayers can be heard over the mountin screaming in victory.
"We celebrate today!"
The woman looks at Meliodas walk away with a curious face.Meliodas looks neither happy nor sad.Just normal as he walks away into the dust and snowfall.

"This is not acceptable."
a woman in drapes remarks
"Just calm down please headmaster.He is the reincarnation of a God the one who will save us madam!"
A man wearing a fancy suit says.A man drinks on a cup of ale and smashes it onto the table.
"Maam I assure you I am the one to save you all!"
He yells.He has a rather fit build with brown hair and brown eyes.He lifts his arms to celebrate and almoat hits Meliodas behind him in the face with his mug.Meliodas block it with his hand and the woman looks suprised.
"I think you've had to much to drink my friend."
Meliodas says sighing.
"Y...You dare threaten me!"
The man says.He pulls his arm away and backs up into the round table.The woman sits on a chair.The other man in the suit stands behind the table.It is outside and a campfire lights up the dark night sky.The man tries to punch Meliodas but fails.Meliodas dodges his punch and grabs his fist.He spins him once and throws him on the wet grass skiding his face across it.He's knocked out as he vomits in his own face on the floor.
Meliodas says.
"You cannot do this to our hero!"
The man in the suit says running toward the deunk on the floor.
"I must say it has been quite some time Meliodas."
"Shut up and drop the act."
The woman sighs and she reveals a set of wings and a halo.
"You've been looking for a mighty hero for the last 2 days to "Save your kingdom" but really its too confenient.You're an angel."
"The last of my kind.Ive been banned from the realm of gods so I cannot help you Meliodas."
"I know...but why do you need a hero?"
"Because...Ive...found something troubling.Just because the realm of gods won't take me does not mean I cannot try and save this world.The evils will soon rise Meliodas...when they do it will result in the end of this world."
"So what I have to be a hero yet again and save this world?I have buisness..."
"I know...you wish to speak to a god...you know angels are also immortal in age.We die when we decide to due same as the Gods."
"You have the choice...I must speak to this god quickly."
"You still can.The evils will rise shortly.Nothing can stop them.Only when they come can they be stopped.You have time."
A brief silence.Meliodas tries to walk away but the angel stops him.
"...What do you seek angel?"
"My name is light...I wish to travel with you."
"Sorry I work alone."
"Please...I need to find out my purpouse..."
"I have helped too many people find their purpouse..."
A silence.Meliodas looks at Light's sad face and eventually after sighing says
"Yes but silence,be better than a hafling I know..."
"You shall not regret it master!"
"Don't call me master."
"Alright captain!"
"Please stop."
"Sorry general!"
Meliodas and the angel walk.The angel reverts to her original form.A white suit with gaps for her two wings made of feather and her halo from light.
"You might need a disguise.Angels are a pretty expensive creature to buy on the market."
"...I...see...a cruel world forsakens me to revert to the pitifull form of a human!"
"Get off your high horse Light."
"You called me by my name oh thank you sensei!"
She says with a huge smile as Meliodas's eye twitches.She reverts to drapes and a small crown.With long white hair and blue eyes that could make the osean jealous she walks behind Meliodas.She is taller then him.
The woman slayer calls out to him as he walks to a giant outdoor feast.
"Is the armor ready?"
"Indeed...is this Jane?She is beatifull."
"Thats not Jane.She's a mere peasent Im transporting."
Light blushes and looks angry at Meliodas's remark
"So you're...cheating?"
"Hell no!She is just a helper in my adventure!"
"That is somehow worse Meliodas even for you..."
Meliodas twitches again and crosses his arms.
"Just give me the damn armor...no respect for heroes now a days."
The slayer gives him the armor.A dragon skull chestplate,dragon teeth gauntlets and fine dragon hand bone boots.Plus a holder for the blade of Akabane.He grabs it and mounts it on his horse.As he gets on and starts to ride Light jumps on the back of the horse
"What are you doing?"
"I need a place to sit or it would look suspisious."
"Get off!The horse is mine!"
A few slayers walking by can be heard whispering
"Wow he's letting her walk."
"What an arsehole."
Meliodas yet again sighs and let her sit.She laughs with a smug grin.Just as the moon lights up tje trail through the forest Meliodas rides.A journey of greatnes.A journey of a hero and his fine Guild.This journey will soon be an amazing one.

What will Meliodas do next.Will he find the long lost kingdom of Akabane?Will he finally be able to get a rest from annoying people?Will the evils rise?Find out next chapter


The Rise Of The Evils 🌹

author note:Ohayo fellow readers hope you enjoyed this.The ending was a little rushed because I really wanted to post something since a long break.My exams kinds snuk up on me and decuded to take away my time but don't worry here we are.
FUN FACT:My old keyboard never picked up when I used.   '     It would pick up on ocassion BUT because of it my other chapters have great grammar mistakes

I highly appoligise and umm oh yeah


Cause Im gonna write now again.Im back

© salvation writing