

we are into the second half!
Many believe and celebrate the New year, so much that they tend to be less concerned about the importance and power of the second half.
Averagely, there are 365 days in a year, when it is been divided by two, we get day 182. And this Day is July 1st. It is called, *the Beginning of the End!*
According to the Book of Ecclesiastes 7 v 8, the Bible made us to understand here that, *" THE END OF A THING IS BETTER THAN THE BEGINNING"*. So how do we atleast have a preview, glance or clue of what the end looks like?. It is simply from the second half, why? because it's closer to the end than the beginning.
That's why towards the end of cooking beans, you can determine that the beans is almost ready to be eaten.
Trying to determine the softness and readiness of the beans, from the beginning of your cooking, is just a precious waste of time.
The end of a football match is most times, not determined by the first half, but by the second half. Same thing applicable to the months of the year.
You may be wondering what's even so special about this *"Second half"* of a thing?

📌 *Because the full time whistle is not yet blown, you can still pull out a miracle!*
Just like in a football match, some players have lost hope during the first half; they became filled with despairingness, they could no longer believe they can ever gain victory over their opponent after a loss from just the first half. Some have actually given up!
But may I tell you that you should never give up, despite you not being on form, the mistakes, the flops and the lost of possession during the first half of this year, but I'm assuring you that you can still put out a victory, just like a miracle that happened in 2005, UEFA Champions League final.
On that very final, Liverpool had lost 3-0 down to A.C Milan just at the first half, everyone felt pity for Liverpool, and mocked them that it's impossible for them to win that particular match and lift the trophy, but Liverpool never gave up. Although, they struggled to make a dramatic comeback, both teams went into an extra time, went into a penalty shootout. And Liverpool who never gave up won the match after a penalty shoot out, they won the final and lifted the trophy that very year.
You may like not football, but I'm bringing a reality to your capacity that, there's still hope for as long as the full time whistle (December 31st) of the year is not blown! You can still pull out a miracle.
📌 *The second half is a second chance to come back stronger and better; a time for comeback!*
Jogging into the second half means, You've already strecthed out your fear and doubt in the changing room, you've gotten to gulp a drink of hope and faith, you are given a chance to re-evaluate yourself to get prepared for another opportunity. Not being weighed down by the mistakes and flops you made in the first half of the year. It means that You are more energetic, You're now filled afreshed with new tactics and hints, You feel hope once more.
This second half is a gift from time for another opportunity to comeback stronger to finish well. Those free penalties you lost i.e opportunities you lost during the first half of this year. This is another great moment, another second chance to utilize any more opportunities that cross your path.
Ignore those mocking you that "it's over", turn deaf ears to those that say "you cannot win". The real game just started!
Why not wipe those tears, get up, get angry and turn that setback into comeback!

📌 *The second half is a sign that you're still in good condition*
No coach will ever make you complete the remaining half, if you're not fit. Or do you not know that during the first half of this year, many have gotten acute or fatal Injuries/coma and some got booked with chronic sickness by the Yellow Cards of this life. Many have lost their lives by receiving Red Cards from the pitch of life.
They could no longer be fit and eligible to complete this year's match, but here you are, fit strong, and capable to witness another second half, so why should you give up?
This year you've matched on, is not yet over. That's why you must complete this year with winning and celebration.
📌 *The second half is a moment of reload*
For every sophisticated gun you use during a war, the first batch of bullets would be used, you'll need a RELOAD of another batch of new bullets in order to take advantage of your situation. This month of July is that month of a RELOADING!
In order to get a better performance throughout this second half on the pitch of life, you may need to change that worn out boots for a better pair of boots.
What are the emblems of boots here;
it can connote anything in your life that needs to be updated, so that you can finish this year's match successfully.

📌 *The second half is an indication that there's light at the end of the tunnel*
It is only the grace of God in collaboration with your consistency to strive on, that kept you this far into this second half.
Hard-work and determination will make you see the light at the end of the tunnel, but consistency to be determined with hardwork and will make you reach the light at the end of the tunnel.

You might have lost possession during the first half, you might have created not even a single shot on target.
This second half is the period to get back those possessions you've lost during the first half!
I'm assuring you that, you're going to have cause to celebrate at the end of this second half.
Don't focus on the spectators, spectators are meant to focus on you. All you need is just to be focused only on the goal post, those things you've been targetting right from the first half of the year. Don't worry your goals will be swinging in from every angles and corners
There are some goals you cannot accomplish all by yourself, because at some point in this second half, you need some set of people to assist you in achieving some of those goals, you need people to create more chances for you to perform excellently. And I pray that the Lord send such people to you.
The second half of everything is simply *the beginning of the end!*
It might be somehow difficult for an individual to predict the ending part of a movie, if the intermission is still yet to come.
That's the reason most movies become more captivating and thrilling immediately after the intermission.
This second half we are now, is like reading an interesting big book till it reaches the middle part. What is now stopping you from completing the other phase of the book, from the middle to the end?
This second half is the second New year, in the same year.
Enjoy the rest of your 45mins' play on the pitch of this year, in great style!🔥

©️ *Adefemi Olajide*