

She was in fifth grade, and she loved to write on pens, and because of her family situation she was only able to use cheap pens, but some of her classmates kept those expensive pens, so whenever she saw this she had to buy a pen as well and use it. That would be tempting, but it was only in her mind, that whenever the desire to buy this pen appears her parents 'suffering for her would only come before her eyes, so that she would calm down by suppressing her desire, and at that young age she was aware of her parents' hardships and thus always other As the children listened to Adam, she did not ask for anything, so her parents bought her what she needed, so the days went by, but not only did her desire for the pen diminish, she was overjoyed on her birthday. It happened in such a way as to give Chchi that if she went to all the houses around her house and gave her chocolates as her birthday, then in one house they gave her a pen as a gift and it was the pen she had longed for, it was not enough for the joy that appeared in her eyes and mind, she could not describe it in words, In the end, the pen came to her just as she had hoped, and from those she did not expect ....
© Megaththenral