

While reciting our county's pledge we say "All Indians are brother and sister", don't we?

We are living in the 20th century but still discriminate people on the basis of income.
All of us want to be dominant in the society- wanting to rule over the poor; Why?
Just because they are not of our level? Just because they don't live a luxurious life like we do?
_Or is it that we are afraid to lose our position to them?_

Most of the families in our society, hire maids to sweep homes or wash utensils, just to keep their family free from all sort of bacterias, disease and to maintain hygiene. But what about them, whom they serve leftover food .. isn't "hygiene" a word meant for them?
According to our society, they are unclean, they don't use good quality products that's why we feed them with our leftovers food ..
If any terror attack or any rape case takes place in our country we Indians protest against it. At that time we show lots of love for our country's people but who is gonna protest for all those who are eating your leftover food, those who are bearing your abusing words, and all those poor who are treated like.... a hell!?
One doesn't deserve to be called an Indian if s/he doesn't have courage and kindness for each and every citizen of India!!
Or else it is useless saying that we all are "brothers and sisters".

Please think about it and try to bring a change, as each one of us, including the marginalised, are gifted with a beautiful life. Let us not try to spoil it.
The development of our country is in our hands not only in the hands of our government.

#Justice #Freedom #Reality