

Death can't part us by.
I quite like it here, in my world.
There are no limitation, boundaries, horizons or coercions.
It is a universe that knows no bounds, a universe were I create and I destroy.
A universe where I write everyones lives, I am ten different people with ten different views of the world.

I can be the bashful little girl hiding behind my mother's pallu or the empress of the heaven ruling fourteen realms single handedly.

I can be a hopeless romantic waiting for his lover or a sword swinging warrior that knows not only to win wars but also hearts.

I can be the wind and fly, I can be the water and flow, I can be the fire and burn I can be the sky that oversees.

I can chose who I want to be, I chose what I want to look like,
I can chose whom to love,
I can chose not to love.

I can be the sword driven through the back and cause the awe of betrayal,
Or I can be the sole beauty that reside in the eyes of those who see.

I can chose the road not taken and still return Victorious.

I can punch a bulky bad guy in the abdomen and get away with it,
I can murder a woman and get away with it,
I can do anything I want in a free world where I write and you see.
A place where I am and am extending my hand to pull you out of reality.
A place that even death cannot part us by.