

The Reinvention of Tina
As early as when she was a child Tina liked eating her hair. Not on purpose, of course. She did it every time she was lazing about.

One time, her mom asked her to get up and do her chores. She didn't budge from where she sat, and continued to watch cartoons on TV. She twirled her hair around her fingers and sucked on them.

"You keep doing that and you'll get a stomach full of hair," her mother told her, but Tina ignored her.

When Tina was a teenager, she'd procrastinate on her homework often. Her hair-sucking had become a habit, which she continued to do while scrolling on her phone. She'd chew her hair as it grew.

As an adult, she often slacked at her job. She'd just stare at her computer screen as she let time pass by, chewing her hair.

Eventually, Tina was fired from her job. Her poor performance was to be thanked for that. She felt so frustrated but could barely muster the effort to do something about her situation. Instead, she resigned to spending her days in front of her TV's glow, watching reality TV shows, chewing her hair.

One night, Tina was on the cusp of falling asleep while watching her programs. She gave her growing belly a pat. Her saliva-damp hair stuck to her face as she fell asleep. While she slept, her stomach shuddered. Something was happening inside. It made its way upward. Tina awakened as she choked. The thing was going up her throat. She felt it slithering on her tongue. It felt familiar.

Hair started to come out of her mouth and spread out. Tina hacked and coughed as all the hair she has consumed throughout the years came out. They wrapped itself around her throat, tighter and tighter. They went inside her ears and into her brain. They pushed her eyes out of their sockets and took their place.

The hair traveled into her bloodstream. Tina cried in agony as her hair slowly took over her body. She tried with all her might to pull them out but the hair on her head restrained her arms. The hair inside her bloodstream forced their way out of the pores of her skin, draining Tina of her blood.

Tina fell to her knees and fell on the cold, hard ground face first. She writhed in her copper-smelling blood until she was crimson red all over. She writhed and writhed until she didn't move anymore.

Then, she got up. She looked at herself in the mirror, at her new hair-eyes. She smiled a hairy smile and laughed a hairy laugh. She felt the new hair-blood coursing through her veins. "This is a new day," Hair-Tina thought to herself. She got out of her apartment, in her crimson-colored triumph, ready to reinvent herself.

#horror #writcohorror #bodyhorror