

My Native Wolf... Part 1
People keep telling me to give up my dreams of becoming part of the tribe, that I’m not at least half Native American. I don’t care how much native blood runs through my veins, these are my people. My mother was adopted, I have no idea of her past. My father tells me his grandmother was full blooded native yet made to feel guilty and ashamed of who she was by the white man. This is where my trouble lies, she was never registered with the tribe. To afraid of who would find out and use it against her.
I’ve looked her up though online and her parents so I have documentation of my heritage just not enough to get me into the tribe and I don’t understand why. I do know that one of the only reasons is it so difficult is because it’s a very small close knit tribe of people, not a huge nation like the Cherokee or the sioux.
Coming up on the boundary to tribal land I see the tribal police vehicle off to the side. Cursing him, I hate the prick, he’s nothing but a spy for the number one thorn in my side. The tribal Chief's son Levi Locklear. Levi is known to the tribe as Darkwolf for his aggressive warrior nature and pure male dominance and because you never see him coming. One second you’re alone and the next you’re not. I can personally attest to his skill on being sneaky. Even knowing the things I do about him I can’t help myself when I gourd him by calling him, “Little Foot”. Yes, i am fully aware that I am tempting fate by picking at him. After our first encounter I cried in the bathroom. The secretary found me and told me his bark is worse than his bite. That he has never harmed a woman and never will.
So still I pick at him, though if looks could kill I know I’d be dead. Pulling my car into the meeting house, i take a deep breath. The chief asked me to meet him here for his final say. Chief Locklear is a good level headed man, even humorous.
Digging deep I open my door and step out. Slamming the door I turn and bounce off something hard and careen back into my car. Gasping I hold my sore shoulder and see who I hit,
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t see…” Gazing up at Levi my voice leaves me. All 6’5 of his lean muscular frame is standing 2 feet from me. His long black hair braided down his back falling down just above his belt. Well fitted blue jeans and a black form fitting shirt completes his look.
“Wish I could say welcome back but I can’t, you shouldn’t be here white woman. You don’t belong on indian land.” Scowling at him,
“Can’t blame anyone for wanting to leave Indian land with a big troll like yourself pushing innocent woman into the cars and making them hurt themselves.” His laugh is dark and deep sending chills down my spine,
“You don’t know anything about me…” Stepping around him I let go of my now bruising shoulder,
“Thank God for that I don’t need any more nightmares Little Foot.” An honest to God growl leaves his throat making the hair on my neck stand on end. The air around me shifts and I come to a halt.
“Your sassy words don’t hide your sensitivity white woman. If you decide to stay and my father lets you, I’ll not rest until I run you off my land.” His huge presence hovers over my 5’8 frame enclosing me in his threat of violence. Mentally shaking myself I scoff,
“Stalker…” Moving away from him, I finally take a full breath. Why does he affect me so much? Entering the building I don’t bother to look back.

Smiling at the receptionist, she smiles back,
“Please, have a seat, I’ll let Chief Locklear know you’re here.” Doing as told Little Foot storms in and past the receptionist desk toward his father's office. I mentally curse myself when I find my eyes glued to Littlefoot's well muscled ass,
“Ms. Neveah? The Chief will see you now.” Thanking her kindly I walk the same path I’ve taken many a time before. The door to the office is open so I walk in. Chief Locklear smiles,
“Please Clover come in, have a seat.” Smiling back,
“Thank you Chief Locklear.” Levi is standing in the corner, a deep scowl on his face,
“I have not yet decided if you’ll be allowed as a member of our tribe…” Looking down I take a deep breath to steady my emotions when Levi erupts.
“I’ll not stand by and let this woman be a part of my tribe. All you want is a government check for the slaughter of my ancestors.” Brought to an instant boil I point my finger at him,
“How dare you! I don’t want or need a check Little Foot. That's not why I’m here…” He steps closer to me when Chief Locklear speaks,
“Back down at once Levi Locklear!” He steps back instantly and Chief Locklear continues,
“Please Ms. Nevaeh, tell me deep down and honestly. What’s the reason you are here? You’ve brought me document after document, told me of the injustice in our policy, now please tell me true.” Holding eye contact with the Chief I ignore Levi,
“My mother was adopted she knew nothing of her past, she passed away many years ago. My father always told me we were part Native American, that my grandmother was made to believe being Native was a bad thing so she never registered. Everyone needs somewhere to belong, to know their people, their history, their past. This is why I’m here.” Chief Locklear nods when Levi pushes in,
“With your father is where you belong.” Looking down at the carpet I can’t look at him when I say,
“My father recently passed of pancreatic cancer…” Looking up at Levi he looks taken aback,
“It must have been so easy for you growing up knowing who you were, what you were destined to be, surrounded by family. Not everyone has that luxury Little Foot. I know you want me dead right now but I feel blessed to be alive.” Looking at CHief Locklear, now he’s the one scowling at Levi,
“My condolences, I can only imagine the loss of your father.” I ignore Levi, if I look at him I’ll break down into tears. Chief Locklear looks back to me,
“You may be part of our tribe Ms. Clover Neveah.” The heat in the room spikes as Levi shoots daggers at me. His promise outside earlier turns my stomach sour.
“Th-thank you Chief Locklear, thank you so much!” He smiles at me and then at Levi,
“Every new member of the tribe is to go on a journey up clawfoot mountain. A ceremony is to take place at its peak, there you will learn your path among our people…” Nodding he continues,
“You will go with a guide, I assume that you’ve never spent any good length in the wild?” Blushing I look away and shake my head,
“No, I have not, I’m a quick study though.” Levi scoffs as Chief Locklear goes on,
“Then your guide is easily decided, a man that knows our lands better than anyone, who has the strength and the knowledge to keep you safe and teach you our ways. Levi will be your guide.” My jaw drops, looking up at Levi he looks appalled,
“Father I can not!” Chief Locklear refuses to look at him,
“I am the Leader of this tribe and you will do your duty my son. I’m sure you’re the last person she wants to go with, but you are best suited for this journey can you deny this?” Levi stands tall,
“No father i can’t deny it.”
“Good, Ms. Neveah this journey takes anywhere from 1 to 2 weeks. Will this be a problem with your place of employment?”
“No Sir, it will not… I just have to go back into town and check out of my hotel room, hopefully everything is ok this time… Then I’ll be back.” Levi didn’t miss my mumble.
“What do you mean by you hope everything will be ok this time?” Smacking myself mentally I fold my hands on my lap, I really hope this doesn’t get me kicked out,
“I’ve been here for 3 months. I’ve stayed at, at least 6 hotels…. Someone keeps breaking into my room and destroying my things…” I can’t bring myself to look up at them when Levi pipes in,
“You have already brought trouble to our tribe and you haven’t been in it for 1 minute. Did these break ins happen wherever it is you came from?” Remembering Illinois I keep my face down and just shake my head. Chief Locklear speaks,
“Levi, this has to be tied to our tribe. I want you to go with Clover, see if there are any clues as to whom it may be. She is one of us now, you know your duty. Yes?” They’re not going to kick me out? Levi looks pissed,
“I have never failed my duty, and no one threatens my tribe. Clover will always be safe in my care. As tribe enforcer, I will never fail my duty.” Enforcer? That sounds like a serious role. The only time I’ve ever heard the term used is in my shapeshifter novels, but that’s silly. It must have came from natives first.
“I’m sorry I’m causing so much trouble.” Chief Locklear waves his hand dismissively,
“You have been spending many hours here, coming and going. Trouble finds its way in on its own. They may see you as a weak point in our armor. If it were not you, then they would be causing trouble with someone else in our tribe. You should leave now, it will be dusk soon. Call me as soon as you return.” Standing I follow Levi outside. Heading to my car,
“Come on we’ll take mine, it’s bigger.” I laugh unable to keep the mental image from dancing across my mind of Levi squeezing his huge mass into my tiny vehicle,
“What's so funny white woman? Don’t confuse the fact that I will uphold my duty with thoughts of me actually liking you. That will never happen.” Pulling myself up into his huge truck I slam the door,
“The thought would never cross my mind Little Foot. I am simply easily amused and the thought of you shoving your huge mass into tiny places makes me giggle.” Levi quickly retorts,
“My huge mass fits perfectly fine into snug little places with the right amount of lube.” My cheeks flame up instantly into a terrible blush. Forcing myself to look out the window I try to keep my breathing steady as new naughtier images run rampant through my mind. The jerk!

If she only knew how easily I could read her emotions and smell her random bursts of arousal, she'd refuse to be within 50 feet of me. I can’t believe my father actually let her join the tribe. I’ve been trying to scare her off from day one. I seriously thought at 13 and climbed the mountain that Gia was joking when I saw this white woman. Yet here she is sitting right next to me like she belongs here.
Did my father not even ponder how I am to tell her she must be turned Were to stay? Our tribe is technically the most diverse pack. Our journey shows us our inner animal. I of course am wolf but there are others of fox, eagle, elk deer, owl or bear, but really the possibilities are endless.
“Did these break ins happen… not to be rude, wherever it is you came from?” She scowls at me showing off her pouty full lips. Damn, this must be my father's plan, keep us together so we can work out our differences.
“I’m from Illinois, or use to be, but I’m here now and no, this only started happening when I got here. I figured it was you trying to scare me off.” She thinks that little of me?
“What in the name of nature would make you think I would reduce myself to petty B&E?” She sighs heavily,
“Must have been your charming personality. Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m glad it wasn’t you. I’d hate to have to be in the wild with someone whom I suspect stole all my underwear.” Stealing a glance at the region in question she snaps her legs tightly together. Fighting the urge to burst into laughter, I never figured Clover to be as shy as she is with the fighter's spirit she’s been showing. She puts up one Hell of a front, I’ll give her that.
“I have no need for a womans panties. If I wanted you out of them I simply would have taken them off of you.” She huffs in disgust,
“I wouldn’t let you touch me with a 10ft. pole.” Such a pretty little liar. I crack the window to get some fresh air before I pull the truck over to inspect just how wet she really is. My money’s on soaking...

Levi pulls his truck over into the small parking lot of the Mountain Cactus Motel,
“Are you in the main building or one of the cabins?” He knows an awful lot about this place. The reviews online called it a great place to rent by the hour.
“A cabin… Used there hourly services before have you?” Levi slams on the break throwing the truck into park so quickly I’m surprised it’s not broken. The air in the cab changes so quickly that the hairs on my arm stand on end. He wouldn’t hurt me right? With my hand on the handle, I’m ready to bail if I need too.
“Do I look like I need to pay for a woman’s time? It would be wise to remember that soon, It will be you and I in those woods… Alone!”Jerk!
“Don’t you intimidate me little foot! I choose this place for low key and off the radar. I have a right to know if you have any sexual perversions before I’m alone with you in the wilderness.” Pulling the handle I jump out because I don’t want to hear his reply.
Ducking under the bush that makes a safe short cut I stop about 20 feet from the cabin door. It’s wide open and I can see from here that my things are thrown all over the floor,
“I’m guessing that one’s yours?”

She’s scared, her pulse racing like that of a bounding deer. She doesn’t speak, just nods and pulls out her pepper spray and a pocket knife. Seriously? Moving ahead of her I take the lead looking for signs of who it may have been when I catch the scent… Wolves.
The scent is fresh and one I don’t recognize. They could have easily been here 5 minutes ago and I smell at least 4 different males,
“We need to leave now.” Clover huffs her chest in defiance,
“But all my things are in there, my clothes!” Turning on her I bend down to her small frame. Her beautiful full breasts are all but begging to be played with. Have to stay on point.
“I know you don’t trust me Clover, but you need to right now. We need to leave now…. RUN!” Her hazel eyes get as big as quarters before she turns and runs in the knick of time when 4 wolves emerge into the parking lot. Besides me Clover is on her knees looking out the back window.
“Holy shit! I count 4 huge wolves, how did you know they were there? Did you see one before we took off?”Clovers heart is racing about a mile a minute,
“Please sit down and buckle up, we’ve got 20 minutes till we get back to the Rez and I don’t think there done chasing us.” She listens but her hands are currently shaking and can’t get her seat belt to buckle. Reaching over I snap it into place, she mumbles,
“Sorry, I don’t know why I’m so jittery.” I let silence ensue so I can keep my eyes on the road in front of and behind us. It isn’t long before there’s a truck behind us. I don’t say anything to Clover, since it may just be… Yes they turned off, good.
Less than a mile from the rez I let myself relax marginally enough to examine Clover a bit closer. She’s shaken but doing a great job nonetheless in trying to hide it. Her long curly brown hair is tied back into a ponytail. Her snug top shows enough cleavage to demand attention from even a priest. Her blue jeans complete her ensemble.