

The man stood there behind the ruined car, scope still trained on the big man. He knew the shot killed him, but you didn't take any chance's in this new world.

   Feeling positive that the man was down for good, he stepped out from behind his cover and weapon still up scanning for threats, moved slowly to the young women crying on the ground.

   He felt for her. To go through all that and survive. He knew she'd struggle with it the rest of her life. Nothing he can do about that. He could however, knowing that this group travels in teams of four with up to four teams in an area, get them both out of here before the rest showed up.

   Stopping over the big mans body, he calmly said, ""Ma'am, unless you want to go through round two with their buddies, we need to get moving right now." His voice startled her, he could clearly see that. But the was nothing for it. The others were on their way.

   He reached out a gloved hand, the other still holding his rifle up, securing the immediate area, and pulled the...