

When you decide to unshackle yourself from the burden of anger, frustration, hatred and uncertainty, you automatically embrace the qualities of trust, faith, determination, love and passion. Suddenly doors open and sunlight pours in

How often have you encountered a situation where you have questioned the trust you place in others? Have you trusted someone at their word, only to find you’ve been cheated or lied to? How did that make you feel? Have you ever thought about the trust others place in you? Do you always trust your own judgement?
No matter what aspect of your life you’re thinking about, trust is ALWAYS a major factor. That could be in the family unit; the neighbourhood; on the sporting field or in the workplace. Of course it’s always prevalent in your day to day decisions about your own life. If you fail to have faith in yourself and your decisions, it will be difficult for others to have the same regard for you.Relationships, arguments and even wars are fought over the aspect of trust. Some are won and others sadly, are lost. When others realize you are a person of your word, they learn to trust you.Trust and respect are also of fundamental importance when dealing with people who are disadvantaged. They are vulnerable and very often lost and alone. It’s important for their dignity that when you hold out a helping hand to them, they can see you as someone on whom they can depend. Whenever interacting with people who are disadvantages, never look down on them. Treat them with the respect they deserve as you build mutual regard.
© syeda bisma