

handsome guy
Every morning lydia lives in a large mansion outside London city centre. lydia lives on the highest level in the attic. its it's a scary lonely place speciall as she doesnt get out much. lydia spends time looking out the circular window and looks out watching the glass dolphin fountain. its so beautiful, she thought.

Early friday morning a handsome man came to the house. he is the most handsome man she has ever seen. he has light brown hair, broud built, flawless skin and wearing a suit. lydia really liked him and wanted to meet him, but lydia is too shy.

The next morning it is laundry day where she spends an hour washing and drying clothes. in the distance a strong, deep, posh voice speaks out. "hello" lydia turn around and sees the most gorgeous guy up close. perfectly quiffed hair, light tanned skin, skin so soft and beautiful big blue eyes. his teeth are so shiny they sparky and soft kissable lips. so dreamy. lydia cant speak so she just smiles politely and nervously turns around and watches the clothes spin round and round. in the bathroom lydia looks in the mirror and sees a look she doesnt want to see. messy long dark brown hair, pale skin, bushy eyeeyebrows, sore lips wearing a long grey thick cardigan which is tacky and very old. I really need a makeover and look good, but cant afford to pay a beautician. how does lydia look good without spending a penny?