

The Unknown
Deep inside, a secret lies, A hidden pain no one recognizes. A feeling once transient, now a sinew, It has nestled deep, where no one knew.

But soon the time will come, my friend, When I can no longer pretend, This battle waging from within, Shatters my soul with a cry of despair.

Every day I wear this smile so bright, But behind it hides the darkest night. The weight of secrets I cannot bear, Silent tears fall as I drown in despair.

I paint on happiness with every breath, But underneath lies the shadow of death. No one sees the pain etched in my eyes, As I scream silently with each sunrise.

Deep inside, this secret remains untold, An ache that's consuming me, taking its hold.

I long for someone to see through my disguise, To hear my silent cries and wipe away these lies.
© Keegan.Mosby1