

Boring as it was, the whole taxi journey drove us closer to our dreams of going to Dubai. The sound of cars roaring past us sounded like waves crashing on the beach, and it would erode the innocent road overtime. The beautifully constructed greenery brightened up the miserable world of obnoxious vehicles giving the place a nice rich flavour leafy green trees waved hello, dancing with the wind, as we drove past ignorantly. Soft white cousioned clouds that floated in the air added a touch of comfort and almost engulfed the bright blue sky as it was barely visible.The cold breeze that rode the air filled my nostrils almost making me sneeze as it was slowly seeping into the taxi. The friction between the pavement and wheels not only released wasted heat energy but also caused us to move uncomfortably.A hand full of sheep, wrapt up in fluffy white wool munching on grass caught my attention. "They must be annoyed at the sound of vehicles all the time" I thought. The dying pavement stared jealously at the beautiful sky above its blistered head wishing it could teleport to escape the cage it was locked up in. As I walked swiftly towards the plane after a 10 minute delay, a mass of sounds coming from the passengers filled the air along with the innocent fumed voices coming from young children in an attempt to brighten up the place and extract the boringness out of the 1 hour flight from Manchester to Amsterdam. Racing like the wind the plane gathered as much energy and strength together before take off. When the plane started soaring through the air like a bird at 11.45 it was so loud that my eardrums were almost bursting in an attempt to deafen me.When we landed i could already feel the warm air pricking my skin it was definitely hotter than Manchester.The plane ride was only 1 hour long so it felt like the shortest pin prick of my life. In a rush to get to the next plane, as soon as we arrived at Amsterdam, we were speed walking almost as a colony as we were close together. This was because we did not have long until out next flight which was due to take off at 14.15 but it unexpectedly took of at around 14.47. As I sat uncomfortably on the plane, there was a build up on hunger in my stomach, as I had not eaten a proper meal since 6am. But a while later we luckily got some delicious food it was rice with source that was soaked up like a sponge and chicken probably one of the best dishes i have had on a plane , because I still felt a touch of hunger afterwards, so I ate a bags worth of one of my favourite crisps, hot watsits, and a few custard creams. 'cola please' my brother and dad calmly said to a crew lady who gracefully walked towards us, but I was not satisfied in the slightest, as I was willing to satisfy and charge up my body with some plane healthier water. Tired as I was with my eyes finally retreating, I fell into a light asleep later whilst watching a film which didn't help as my brother annoyingly put the volume to the highest level a few times which caused alarm bells to ring in my ears as if to alert me about some important news. Sitting on a plane for almost 6 hours felt like the longest walk into the unknown of my life; The golden sunset glowed in the distance adding a bit more magic into our dark trip. The background sounds of the plane drowned some voices coming from the passengers, due to the air pressure and the plane battling against the wind meaning it was not as loud. Minutes before landing the mesmorising lights of Dubai could be seen from miles away adding a colourful flavour to the obnoxious heat beneath the golden surface.