

Mother's Day Story
The time had come to start my journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while she disappeared into the distance. I never thought that my Aai will ever leave me, but she did. I was raised by Aai along with 41 other kids at St. Joseph Orphanage. I didn't even knew how I end up there. Only yesterday i got know that i was 2 years old found in a box in a deserted alley to a drunkard who left me in the orphanage and then Aai took me in.
Aai was the caretaker in the orphanage. She herself was an orphan and hence had a kind heart towards us. She nourished every single kid to grow, and I was the least favourite. Atleast so i thought, until yesterday.
Since last 4 years, Aai had always punished me for my every mistake, where she forgave others. Eventhough I wasnt one among the kids to do mischief, Aai had always caught me when others did. I had no one to complain to. Aai punished me to write the contents in book seating beside me to check my handwriting, a hundred times, or she would keep me to assist her in the task to clean utensils, floor and sometimes even rooms.
I was finally 10 years old, and there were two families who wanted to adopt me. A middle-class family with granny, grandpa, mother and father. They were financially stable and loving family. Second was this rich family who took me to one day tour to their bungalow. It was huge, well furnished, even for me they had a different room and a swimming pool. I said that i would be very happy with them and was clearly expecting to end up with them.
A week before today, Aai told me that i was being adopted by the middle-class family and the first thing I asked was, "What about the rich family ?". Aai told me, "We can't let you live with them." I was angry and furious thinking that Aai had gave me to the middle-class family only because she hated me this whole time and can't fathom the thought that i could live happily after leaving the orphange.
It was only yesterday that my new mother was watching the news and the headlines stated that, A boy was caught hold in between an argument between a couple and was accidently injured. The injury was some object hit on the back of the head while being pushed by one of the duo. I was shocked to find out that it was the same rich couple, who came to adopt me. I was crying the whole night. my parents asked but i couldn't utter even a word.
Today Morning, when i woke up, Aai was beside me. Aai told me that she knew that there were tensions in between the rich couple and could end up being divorced, and that's why she gave me away to the middle-class family. She said that all this years, she taught me all the household activites and told me to help the family now. She taught me all she could, the education required for any student to enter primary school. All she did was for my benefits, when i enter the real world. She kept me close to her giving reasons to work because she loved me more than any other kid in orphanage. She came to meet me because the family called her thinking that i was missing her. I quickly hugged and hold her for a moment.
She told me it's time for you to live independently, to start your own journey. I leaned out of the window, waving as long as I could while Aai disappeared into the distance.!

- Yash Mhatre