

Isn't it Love? Prolouge.
I can still remember the day I found you. It was autumn. The dried yellowish maple leaves are slowly falling from their branches. The wind blew too hard that your hair flew along with them. The world moved slowly. I can't help but to smile. Until you approached me in a hurry. I thought, that time, you noticed me and got attracted to me. But then, I suddenly tripped and was about to hit the ground. Luckily, you caught me. That day, I told you my very first "I love you". That I thought would be the last. Or so I thought.

6:50 am.

I can feel beads of sweat on my forehead. A dream. That was a dream. It seems so real that I almost believed it.

For the nth time in my life, I grab one of my white polo and black slacks. I fixed myself before I went outside to meet everyone.


I gave her a peck on her lips and put my shoes on. I smiled at her and hold her hand.

"Did you sleep well?"

I asked her. She bit her lip and looked at me. She stopped walking. I looked at her and she seemed so nervous.

"Hey, it's okay. They'll love you. Besides, you're too good to be true and I believe that you can satisfy them with your good points."

I assured her. But it seems like she's not convinced and still looking on the carpet.

"What if they're mad at me? What if they already met someone better than me? What if they choose her for you? Wh-"

"No one will choose for me, okay? This is my life, no one can control me. Not even my Grandfather. So, let's go?"

I held Jewel's hand tightly and smiled at her. I, myself, is nervous too. I don't know what my grandfather is thinking and Max seems like a guy who loves plotting something I don't want to do. But it's my decision. I'm too old to decide what I want and what I love.

"Good morning, Grandpa and everyone else!"

I gracefully entered the dining hall and greeted everyone. They all looked shocked and confused. I breathe deeply as I introduced Jewel to everyone else.

"So, this is Jewel, my girlfriend. And Jewel, that man, over there, is my grandfather. The man on the seat next to the empty one is my brother, Gan. The rest are my cousins."

She smiled and gave them a little 'hi'. But no one responded. They just stared at the two of us as if we're doing some stupid thing.

"Umm, pardon?"

Caret, the only one, finally speak up. But not the thing I want her to say.

"She's my gir-"

"Yeah yeah, I get that. But why?"

My forehead wrinkled and looked at her confusely.

"Because I love her?"

She scoffed and it annoyed me. I can also see how Lena, her sister, tapped her hand.

"Oh, really? You love her? So, what about Ru? If I'm not mistaken, Ru Shii Luo? The girl you're engaged with?"


Wait-what? I'm engaged?! I looked at Grandfather who's glaring at Caret. But she just continue eating her meal as if she did nothing wrong.

"How could you!"

I received the most painful slap I ever had from Jewel as she walked out of the room. I was about to run after her when Max grabbed my arm.

"What?! Get your hands off me! I need to chase her!"

"May I know the reason why? Señor?"

"Fuck! She's my girlfriend! Let me go!"

"Mis disculpas, Señor. But Señora Ru is already waiting for you in the dining hall. I was ordered to keep you from running away."

That... That's...unfair. Why are they doing this to me? Just because I'm the oldest? The nearest heir? For fuck's sake I don't want that! I want my love back!

"You want her back? Why?"

My eyes widened when I heard a really familiar voice. I turned around and the world suddenly glowed.

"Because you love her? Why do you love her? Is it really love?"

She kept on blabbering something and I can't help but to feel weird. I walked towards her and when I'm close enough to her, I cupped her face and kissed her passionately. I don't know why. I don't know how. I don't even know who she is. But my heart's beating so fast I can't help it anymore.

Is it love?