

Student-Teacher Relationship
Student-Teacher Relationship
A teacher is in loco parentis to the student. The teacher's job is not only to teach but to also provide schooling. Schooling provides training and learning in all aspects of life as opposed to just teaching.
Unlike the old days when the relationship between teachers and their students was more or less like "Master-Servant" Relationship. The relationship between students and teachers play a large role in the trajectory of a child's academic success and social development nowadays.

How Does Student-Teacher Relationship Affect Learning
According to Empowered Learning Transformation Centres ; The student-teacher relationship is a cornerstone in a student's social maturation process. Cultivating a positive rapport with a non-parental authority figure allows student to define themselves, adapt to their environment and grow their emotional and social intelligence. It takes guts and determination to address a teacher privately and let them know how much doing well in the classroom matters to them and teachers value that outreach and display of maturity. For a child who struggles in school, having a good relationship with their teachers is critical to their success. It's not uncommon for kids who struggle academically to have the most challenging relationships with their teachers which just furthers their issues with performances. - ELTC
Positive Student-Teacher Relationship improves academic success and has a great impact on students attitudes towards school work. Building Student-Teacher Relationship is great between when the students view their teachers as a partner not as an adversary. This way, students tend to be free with the teacher and ask questions that'll help them understand the class more, and the classroom becomes a collaborative environment.

What is Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationship?
Inappropriate Teacher-Student Relationship occurs when certain boundaries are crossed by teachers, administrators, coaches and their students and athletes. Given that, there are basic types of Teacher-Student Relationship that develop each with it's own set of characteristics and boundary considerations.

Causes of Poor Student-Teacher Relationship
• Poor relationship could be as a result of a broken bond between them or an ongoing unresolved conflict that keeps the two from connecting.
• Insensitivity of Teachers to Students needs
• Teacher Bullying
• Crossed lines and mixed signals
• Troublesome behaviour
• Laziness on the side of the teacher or student
• If the teacher is a harsh teacher, the students may be hesitant and reluctant to ask for help when needed because they think the teacher is going to yell at them or dismiss their problems.

Tips For Great Student-Teacher Relationships
• One of the most pure and deeply inspirational relationships is that of a devoted teacher and willing student.
• Communication is very essential in learning. It is the most vital element because it serves to create a connection between the two parties. A teacher should interact better with the students not only by simply observation but also effective communication.
• Creating an emotionally safe learning space where different opinions are equally respected and there is no fear of ridicule, discouragement or insults from either one's classmates or the teacher. The students need to feel safe when sharing their thoughts, ideas and questions without being criticised, insulted or taunted and their questions or comments will be replied with patience and mutual respect.
• Mutual Respect is very important in great relationships. Respect is said to be reciprocated. Teachers that respect their students automatically become an object of respect themselves most especially to the students they relate with.
• Teachers should always be available and relatable. Do well to them. Patronize them. Praise them, give them words of approval and encouragement. It all helps in motivation.
• Treat all students equally as a teacher. Disparity in learning causes academic failure. No student wants to be left out.

In Conclusion;
Ben Carson is quoted that "Some teachers are better than others. But if you decide cannot get an excellent education because your teacher is not effective then you are in danger of letting a victim mentality limit your future."
Ultimately your education is up to you. Only you can decide how much you are going to empower your self through learning and knowledge. How far you go is determined largely by how far you are willing to go. Any student who so desires can achieve a high quality education, whoever or wherever they may be. As long as they can read.

As a student, changing your attitude and beliefs about the relationship with teachers is the single most important thing you can do to improve your education.