

Journey Of Voiceless Expressions part 3
During their brief exchange, the atmosphere transcended into lighter shades, it was comfortable. The unspoken boldness of hand written letters, the bravery engraved in the motion of their pen thawed discomfort, shedding the desire to be left alone. Curiosity covered their lenses, adventure tickled their bones. Although being left alone carries its own charm, this exchange of voiceless dialogue sparked an interest to know more. Mikael, preceded to smirk, Understanding her smile is a mechanism to inspire comfort, and a restriction to eliminate conversations. He could relate, although wearing headphones removed any possibility, as people assume "well, he's in his on world, I wouldn't want to intrude", exactly what he wanted. He took his pen, placed it on the piece of paper, writing 2 lines. Haile looked, thinking, "I'm sure he doesn't know, Does he?". Questioning what provoked his approach finding peace in written exchanges.

He gave her the letter, he analysed her as if he was looking for something within the realm that is her. she took the letter, it wrote "Hi I'm Mikael, what's your name?". She looked up at him, then looked back at the letter. "I'm Haile" She wrote on the letter and returned it to him. He wrote back, "You seem uncomfortable?", she wrote "kind of, you're a stranger?", "He wrote, "Everyone was once a stranger to someone right?", she wrote "What about parents and kids?", he wrote "Them to", she rea his letter and looked at him, he looked back and smiled and nodded his head to confirm that he agrees with what he wrote. she wrote "How so?", he wrote "You don't know your parents, they are just in possession of you, but you get to know them, and they get to know you, despite being theirs, do you know everything about your parents?" , she wrote "No, I don't actually, but I know enough I guess.", he wrote "See, but gradual discovery transformed that into a bond that cannot be broken".

As they exchanged letters throughout the trip, time flew like hours didn't exist, it was just a concept the living flirted with. Now, their bus ride came to an end, both excited this encounter manifested itself. They wondered if they'd see each other again. Nervous to mention how wonder they felt during their time spent. being too forward may sound desperate. She looked outside, Noticing this is were they'd say their goodbyes. The bus finally stopped, She wrote her last letter "It was great talking to you Mikael, I appreciate the save. this is my stop, Goodbye Mikael" She signed with a smiley face and a heart she thought was too much to add. while he was reading the letter she got off to leave. As he looked up she was already in the front of the bus. He ran to the front and goy off the bus to catch her. He tapped her on the shoulder, she turned around in shock. In exhaustion he said "I want to keep in touch with you?". She pulled out her phone and give him her number. He took it, Although his action proves he was excited the excitement on his face was subtle. Then he looked up at her. She blushed a little fixing her hair behind her ear..

This moment surprised him. He understood everything now, Realising the beauty and diffulties that lies ahead. The treasured discoveries and the unknown that would be revealed. What he saw urged his thought to clarity, "The level of vulnerability is endless, with patience the greatest of things will color our world with the most vivid textures unknown to those outside this realm"..

When she fixed her hair behind her ear he noticed she was deaf...

© fruitfulodyssey

#travel #bus #encounter