

Amanda Seyfried
On a clear night, At the manhatten beach in Los Angeles California. Nobody on the beach there only two of us Amanda and chris are only ones there. Amanda has a creepy, scary and disturbing look on her face. She looks like gollum from lord of the rings. After chris tied 2 both stainless steel chains wrapped and tied on her back and her penis. On her back the first chain i tied extra chain, extra chain her penis too. The moon looks like blood moon but really red horzion layer make the moon blood. After chris tied 2 both stainless steel chains on her back and her penis, he is on her back, he grabs a hold of the chains. She lowered her eyebrows, Amanda is really really angry, her angry eyes flaming red and darkest black blackest eyes. she just making growling, snarling and hissing noises. With amanda's feet and her hands thumping and stamping sounds she aggressively kicks the sand in the air. Amanda goes around the whole entire beach kicking up sand aggressively, and forcely. She trying to aggressively, and violently bucking chris in the air she tries to dislodgeing chris off her back. Chris stays on her back like a POSTAGE STAMP. Amanda continues aggressively bucking, and throwing chris off her back. Amanda continuing bucking aggressively through out the night.