

Insensitive, rude, cold, ultra practical, less affectionate, care less, think less..... These are some common adjectives that every guy must have heard atleast once in his life till now.

There has been a famous plebian joke "Oh My God!!! You can never understand girls". This has biased our attention so much that we have ended up ignoring the other important counterpart... who are an entirely different species altogether... Though tough at times but, undoubtedly a wonderful creation of God.

A guy's desire's, his wants and needs are quite paradoxical to a girl wishes but, as goes the scientific fact Opposites attract and hence they land up together.


A question with no answers in one hand and a long queue of anticipated details on the other. At a bigger picture every man is unique and it is through an experience in a relationship that one might be able to decipher the intricate strings lying within. Lets make an effort in unveiling some

A guy does not look for commitment but for companionship...togetherness. They expect space in a couple not because they aren't attached to their girl rather, they firmly believe in cosmic vibes of a bond. A feeling which inbuilts a powerful conviction in their relationship that a few days of absence is not capable of creating a void between them. They need time and room enough to not just let them stretch their wings but also to make them fly.

Guys prefer keeping their emotions, their vulnerabilities caged inside themselves because they are too scared of not being understood, of not being taken care of. They are like ice bergs with their 9/10th part hidden only ready to be divulged before 'THEIR GIRL'. The girl who believes in them...who adores them with the goods and the bads...who not only accepts them but also take pride in being with them the way they truly are... They look forward to empathy in place of sympathy when they both get into an argument. They aspire to be shown confidence not just in them but also in their concept of 'us'. This acts like a driving force for them....to an extent that no matter how many hours, days, weeks he is out somewhere he has a longing to be back. No matter how big a mistake he has committed he can straight forwardly express it to her because he assertively hopes that together they can untie any knot, solve any puzzle. He wants a beauty in his connecitvity where words are stronger than actions to understand the turmoil in his head, where communication is vital and robust enough to ward off any misunderstandings and make him express himself freely, where the entire aura provides an assistance to make him blend with all the shades his girl has.

Guys want their girls to be the shining star between them, that fierce lioness they would wish their kids to idolize. They want their lady to be that implicit element of their heart beat that brings them closer to themselves, to expose them to that side they never knew they ever had basically they want to trust their girls 'WITH THEMSELVES'.

So, girls its more a duty and responsibility on your part to look after this mystic piece. Its time to not only show them how much they are valued but also, that they deserve to sit at the backseat while you drive them through the rough lanes...they deserve to be pampered...to be treated special. The journey might be tough but the kind of charm this magic box has in it, is worth all the endeavour one can ever make!!!!