

"Like I told you!" I said while we are sitting on my bed."This is my biggest secret so please don't share it to others."

"We told you, we won't. Of course your secret is safe with us." Briana assured me that they won't.

So, I shared my biggest secret to them. They are my friends since highschool until now that we are in senior highschool. We are always talking about our personal life, secrets, and private moments. To the four of us I am the one who really want to share some things to them, maybe not the whole things or not my all secrets but yes I did.

"Really? You did that?!" Shock is all over Chantal's face. I sigh and just nod my head."Like, aren't you guilty?"

"N-no, I mean yes I feel so guilty but what else can I do? It's there and it happened already." They just shook their head at me. I sigh.

"I can't believe you actually do that."

"Of course we are shock, because we thought that you are a picker."

They started to interview me the whole night. We are staying here in my condo, overnight like we used to do even before.

So, the night filled with some secrets, spilled some things that we actually did.


"Thank you." I smile at James. He is courting me and I kinda like him, I mean he is cool, good, and he is smart.

"Welcome.. So, I hope we will have our 3rd date?" I just nod and didn't promise anything.

"Juana!" I look at the person who called me. I smile and wave my hand to Trina."It's James, right?"

"Yeah. He is courting me." I said while fixing the flowers. She look at me with disbelief."What?"

"You know she's Chantal's ex." She said like I didn't know it. I sigh.

"I know. I know, but they broke up right?" She look at me. She hold my hand.

"You know she is our friend, I won't mind if you two will date each other but— what about Chantal? What will be her words? You know she is still affected with her current ex which is James. We are her friends so we should know how painful it is right?"

"You told me that I should adjust these things?"

"Yes if possible, I don't want our friendship ruin because of this issues."

That day I think about it so hard. Maybe Trina was right, I should be considerate to what Chantal's feelings because I am her friend and I should be the one who knows and understand her pain.


Today I will confront Chantal and tell her that her ex courted me so, she knows and it won't be issues anymore.

While walking in the field. A lot of girls looking at me, I just feel weird because they look at me as if I did something wrong. I sigh and just ignored them. When I reach the middle I saw my friends out there, Trina wave her hands for me to see them.

"I told you she is a bitch."

"She really love to bitching around."

"She won't be contented."


I frown while hearing some words clearly. I don't know what happened why they said that. I sigh and when I reach them Trina just hold my hand.

"Look who's here." Chantal said sarcastically while looking at me.

"What's the matter?"

"You are my friend but you let my ex courted you?!"

"W-what? This is the reason why I am here to confront you. I cut him off—"

"Too late! You know you are my friend so, why would you do that?!"

A lot of people looking at us, watching what our next move. I sigh and close my eyes.

"Okay, I will admit that partly it was my fault too but of course I realized that I shouldn't."

"Yeah, you shouldn't! Before you think of letting my ex courting you, you should think what I did to help you!"

My lips parted because of what she said. Is she the one who started the rumors? I look at Trina who at my side while Briana is looking at me dissapointly.

"We helped you to a lot of things but you changed this?! Ungrateful!" Briana said and they walk out.

"Don't ever talk to James again or else, your secrets will be spilled. We know your secrets and if you did— all your secrets will be announce faster than the car."

"What the hell?" I said while looking at their back. I can't believe they really did this."She started the rumors?!"

"Yes. She started it." Trina said while looking at me sadly. We sit down. She caress my back."You know I understand you, I know you didn't intented to do it and I know you realized those. I understand."

Tears forming in my eyes. They are my friends, they should understand me too like the way I understand where they came from.

"W-why they are being so unfair? Did you hear those g-gossips? I can't believe she gossips around when I am not looking, she didn't even let me explain my side and just r-ruin my image by spreading a fake news!"

When I can't take the pain anymore, I cried hard and the reason why the gossip stop and everyone is silent. I don't know why but I just cried hard. Trina tap my shoulder as she hug me.

"You know, the things that I am thankful for? When I realized that we should avoid those people who will throw their words out as if we pursue them to help us. We should avoid those friends who disrespect us, we should avoid those people who knew about your secret but when we have a problem they will say that they will spill it to other people as if they didn't promised not to tell it to other." She sigh and just wipe my tears."Avoid those people, okay? They are maybe our friends but they are capable of ruining our image and some people will believed them because they are your friends and people thinks that they know you, deeper."

Because of what happened I just leave the school. Trina and I talked, we are still talking but I don't have any communication to my two ex-friends. I don't know how are they.

Trina said that the gossip stop because James confirmed that he is the one who's pursuing me and in the first place Chantal and him broke up and whoever he courted after they broke up should our of the involvement.

I realized that we should normalize cutting off those friends who disrespect you. Funny how they promised that they will keep your secret but when you fight— they will spread a rumors, gossips, and issues about you.

Like what Trina said avoid those people who makes you stress, toxic, and untrusted. Remember that no matter how long or decades you've been spending together as a friend— if they are mad about you, they will still hurt you.

That's why don't trust too much even if it's your relatives. Don't share some private secrets or moments to them, you should be the one who knows about the secret. If ever you will share some things to them make sure that it's only the secret that it can't harm you if ever.

At the end of the day you only let them know what you allowed them to know. They still didn't know about you but you— yourself.

Be careful who you trust.

© Skyler