

The dream once...
The sweet maiden in my dream,
talks as the sugar lush cream,
she talks of days as nights,
and the downs as ups,

Then she laughs heartily at humans,
who are you in the eyes of universe?,
she takes them to space,
she asks them who serves the universe?

They answer that they serve theighty God and are not deemed to serve the universe,
who says so? asked the maiden
Everything that's mighty is created by the universe.

Oh no, my maiden, the God has created this universe.
For what? asked the maiden
Nobody questions the God
So that means you are also not answerable.

No, we are answerable to our deeds, we are his servants
The God says humans destroy his gift for them
Oh yes, some of them do..
so are you not a human?
I am!, why?
why do you then say them? So you think you are completely unanswerable to their deeds, is not it?
Yes, I mean no, what can a one man do?
Oh you can dream like him, and do nothing the way he is now, she says and points to me, I woke up with a start, it was 4 am...
© Sayee Dharshini