

The Amnesia Penalty
May 16th, 2068

The death penalty has now officially been outlawed, instead prisonors whom would otherwise be given the death penalty will now instead undergo a procedure that inflicts an irreversible form of amnesia, in other words they will be turned into clean slates.

October 21st, 2070

Ever since the Amnesia penalty was declared and began to be utilized, a lot of interesting discussions, discoveries, and consequences have arisen. Firstly, once someone's mind is wiped, they can absorb new information with quite an impressive ease, calling them information sponges would be an understatement. There have already been a couple cases where after being released and having had recieved the procedure and then a formal education, the subject was hunted down and murdered. In both cases the perpetrators refer to themselves as vigilantes. It seems that some people are simply unable to view someone as a new person entirely after going through said procedure. Critics of this procedure claim it to be morally wrong as it "Essentially creates a new life that will suffer for the crimes of another whom they resemble", while there is also a human trafficking and black market scene that has been utilizing the same technology.

Some prisons have been using this technology and rather than setting the prisoners free after performing the procedure and educating them, they have chosen the resort to brainwashing them into happily being slaves, as such many such prisons began a side hustle of running a factory that produces a large amount of goods to be sold for profit. The arguments made in favor of this practice are such as "They would have simply been killed both body and mind, what harm does it do just to kill their mind and put their body to work? It is still one less death and we can teach them to greatly enjoy the work they do so calling it cruelty is a bit far fetched".

February 16th, 2075

For a while, there was a major spike in missing people reports world wide..... it's all going to be over soon, we are at war and the enemy has far too many people in their army. So many faces people have mourned thinking they were gone for good now savagely cutting and shooting them down with various weapons. As I write this they are breaking into my home, I fear this will be my last entry.....
© Lokeal Votaro