

My first love is a serial killer part 19
"My sister has visions. When I saw her she saw herself having a baby. The baby will do something that no one would expect. He would toke over this city. We would live the good life in this city. Everyone would be free. But my sister isn't the only one who has these vision's. Her twin brother has them too. He is my old brother but my family doesn't except him. He wants everyone to suffer like he did. My sister knew he would get the same vision and he would send someone to kill the baby. She choose me to care for the baby like she saw in the future that Luci becomes a great famous singers who helps the helpless. My sister thought we raised Luci so well that she thought we should raise her child. I could never say no to her but now we are in danger." Matt said starting to cry. I hugged Matt and smiled. "It's going to be ok. We will protect this baby and by doing that maybe the world will be a better place but let's never pressure the kids. They are still kids anyways." I said supporting Matt. "I love you." Matt said kissing my lips. "I love you too." I said kissing him back. At that point Luci ran up stairs and went to her room. She probably covered her ears. I found that kind of funny. Matt carried me and took me to are room. He dropped me on the bed and started kissing my neck. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" Matt shouted. I started to laugh. "I love you more then anything too." After a few hours we fell asleep. The next morning passed and Luci said she wanted to take self-defense classes. We let her take the classes. We lived in that city for 2 more years until I finished college. Luci finished 7th grade and we decided to move. We sold the house and moved to another city. When we moved Matt decided to go to college. I stayed at home with the baby while Matt was at college. I taught kids who couldn't go to school. For money I baby-sat kids. Luci started working and helped us a lot. As a reward for her work we would pay for her to have singing and dancing classes. She did shows and slowly become famous. Not a popstar famous but she was known around the city and lots of people loved her covers. Matt and I asked Luci if she wanted to live with a different family like we moved a lot but she said she never wanted to leave us.

© the unknown