

Life's most important.
Life is a journey that we all travel through. And as we travel, we develop certain interests that stay with us as we sojourn. These intrest can be as a result of environmental factors, traditions or beliefs. And personally speaking, I have developed certain interests too that I now tread with. These interests are very important to me as they make life's journey beautiful. They are; Faith, Family and Education. I call them the ' 2FE'.

My faith is the first and most important thing to me. With my belief, I gain the consciousness that there is a supreme being who can direct my life unto greatness and accomplishment of my purpose. My faith teaches me how to live life and how to differentiate Good from bad. It blesses my life.

Being brought into this world by two special people (my parents) and growing up with other siblings and family members has been one of the best things that has ever happened to me. With them, I've got friends to express my feelings with, I have got helping hands in times of need, I have got a shoulder to cry on and I have got a place to call home. Family is as important to me as the heart is important to man. With them, the journey of life becomes fun.

Education is undoubtedly the next important thing. It is a tool that can help Shape me and the world I see around me. It corrects my perspective, refills my knowledge and makes me a noble human. Education helps me know how to relate to my environment and make the most out of it. It is a great tool for transformation.

You might be wondering, "will these things still matter to me in the next ten years?" Of course yes, in the next ten years. The aforementioned will still retain their place in my heart. For time, is to me as numbers that passes. Family will still be family, though old family members may go, new ones will come. My faith will be strengthened as I meet other people with the same faith. Education will infact grow bigger as new minds will awaken that will love its impact too.
So, my family, Faith and Education are like the three stars on the crown of my head. I cherish and carry them with me wherever I go. I show them to people. They are the little things that make up my life.

© isaiahsunday