

Most underrated profession

 This article is dedicated to all the lovely homemakers who relentlessly work hard to make a house a home but are still most underrated. First, I would like to thank my mother, mother-in-law, and aunty for working so hard for us without any complaints.

Thank you would be a very small word for their efforts.

I can relate a homemaker with salt. You people might be wondering how?

Let me explain. Like in a dish presence of salt is not acknowledged until its absence. Imagine a situation in which you have prepared a dish with a lot of ingredients and efforts, but you forget to add salt in it. Without salt, all your efforts to prepare the best dish will go in vain. The same thing is applied in the homemaker’s case. We acknowledge their importance as soon as they are not present.

Their absence makes a huge difference but their presence is not acknowledged.

There is a proverb ‘No one knows better where the shoe pinches that he who wears it.’ This means that you will never understand another person’s situation until you are in their situation.

I realized this when I started managing a house of two people after marriage. Initially, I thought household chores is a cakewalk, but eventually, I realized it is not. From preparing three times meals in a day, doing dishes, cleaning, laundry, etc. a homemaker does everything without any leave and salary with a smile. Our generation is still privileged to have domestic help and modern equipment which lessen our burden. In our mother’s time back then there was no such provision. They used to do each and everything by themselves. I was really surprised to recall those days.

A homemaker does so much for their family but is still looked down upon. ’Oh ! You don’t work’ this is the general statement used for them. I mean seriously? Just because they are not getting paid they are being tagged as non-working. I have seen husbands (few of them) belittling their wives rather than appreciating their efforts. Can people imagine a home without them? If anyone has any doubts about what they do? 

I would suggest them to do all the household chores just for one day, you will get the answer.

A homemaker is like a pillar to a high rise building. So, rather than disparaging them we should acknowledge and appreciate their sacrifice. There can be a house without them, but there can never be a home worth living without them.Salute to all the homemakers who prioritize their families over themselves without any complaints.


© Shwetasingh29