

I always feel something anonymous, when I was alone. I feel someone is watching me, someone is with me, someone is hiding unknowingly.
I was habituated with the strange feel in my daily life. After few days I have decided to share this feel with someone. but something stopped me to express.
One day when I was alone I heard some noice, sound was like an Anklet Bell's . I came out of my room and searching everywhere to know where the sound coming from. I found an Anklet in garden. when I took it in hands the sound stoped. I throwed it so far.
I decided to share my feeling with my mom but she said it was my day dream, she just ignored it.

Then the next day when I was cleaning my room I found the same anklet... which I throwed away it's in my room now . I was so scared and asking my self how I got it back in my room again.
then I kept it in my desk, and continued my cleaning.
Next day again I heard a same sound, I checked my desk, the anklet is in my desk with no sound.
but the sound again coming from my garden, I just wanna check it what was that... so I went to garden and picked the Bell's Anklet. I was in shock. there was two anklets now.
when I took in to hands it stopped sounding.
I took it to my room and placed it in my desk. now I have two Anklets in my desk.
it was sooo suspicious.

The next day my brother came to my home, I explained it to my brother. he just laughed and gave me a box.
He said me to open to know the truth behind my scare and sleepless nights with a bold voice.

I was soooo scared... and felt that was my last day in my life, I rejected to open it.
But he says again and again with a bold hond voice. " OPEN... THE... BOX"....

I closed my eyes and opend it, their is a letter in the box.





Letter says
Happy Birthday To My Sister...
Hope you enjoyed your birthday gift....which remains rest of your life....

He gave me the two anklets as a gift......

In a Creative Way......


© Divya Vemula