

SHE 7: Never Again
Is he hearing it right?

He blinked,



still shoulders ahold by him with a knife on his throat, he bowed, tears flowing by again.

It hurts. It hurts, too much.

"Show me."

Head snapped looking at her sunrise eyes. "Huh?" confused as to what she had said.

"Show me." as she crash her lips towards his.

Clink. Thud. As the knife of stealth... fell.

He had envision this moment for a century and how amazing would it feel yet pain, sadness, and agony little to no love at all, was he felt. She was blue... confuse. He love her so much, he would do anything to keep her far away from hell. He, even, would offer his life for her happiness.

So, then,

he kiss her back as his love poured down whole. He caress her like a newborn... soft and fragile. He will give his all for her tonight and make her feel the world deserves to have her.

He showed him his all that no one could ever know but her alone. He will not leave her again now that she had returned... never again.

"I love you..." as promises echoed through his heart. Dying will be better than leaving my love.

None other to have...

© vitor