

Love in Blood (Part-3)
Next day Sora went to school and their teacher announced for a new class mate.She saw it's he.In the break she didn't get a chance to ask him his name coz all girls sorrounded him.So she felt upset and came out from classroom.
She wondered why any boy would pay attention to her.Then she saw the boy sitting alone in the field. Sora approached him and asked,"Why are you sitting alone?"
He said, "I don't like talking to anyone."
Sora said "Then I'm going.....But what is your name?"
He said,"John."

That's it. Sora wants to talk to him but he doesn't.One day she says to John," Don't avoid me.I think I am in love with you."
John coldly says,"That doesn't matter.I don't like you.And listen up don't ever come to me for these stupid things."

Sora would never think that John is that type of guy. She just realised that he had some secrets. She decided that she would have to knowing his secret.

© #LoVe_Is_pAiN