

My Love
How have you been it's been a while since we spoke, Hope you good? I've been waiting for your reply after the last message I sent. Everything is falling apart between us I haven't heard your voice or to touch you get worried most of the time thinking about you, you left without saying a word. I tried to reach out to you but I've failed 🤧 countless times I'm not giving up on us we need to settle things between us of we need to. I can't tell if you are avoiding me or if I'm overthinking 😪 I need to be Clear about us. I'm tried of being there when you need me and can't find you when I need you I just want to know my place in your life 🥺 how important am I to you? I need answers to my questions , are you going to be the solution to my problem or you are the problem. If I'm going to move on without you I should know if I'm going to be with you I also need to know! Life is meaningless without you .