

Beauty goes far beyond the physical appearance that we see. It's from the innermost part of a human. Sometimes, we see the winners of a peagentry and we ask ourselves 'why is she not so beautiful?' We even go ahead to say that some that contested with her are more beautiful than she is. The question is; why didn't they win instead? The thing is that, the physical beauty is not just it, the beauty of the brain, heart and mind matters a lot. We should learn to beautify our inner selves first before we go ahead to beautify our outer selves. Like I once heard before ‘‘Wash the inside of the cup before going further to wash the outside’’. Sometimes, we see people and condemn them because of their physical appearances. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, stop the segregation! Whether slim, fat, black or white, we are all one. Let's learn to love each other despite the race, colour or religion. I don't about you, but as for me, true beauty comes from the heart!!!