

Willow Tree: Episode 1- Memories
The school bell rang. Everyone was heading to their classes from the courtyard.

"Hey Yanagi!" shouted a girl, "how are you?"
"Hey Lily, I'm good," Yanagi answered smiling and walking, "how about you?"
"I'm good," Lily answered, "I wanted to see if your still up for today after school?"
"Yeah! I can't wait!" Yanagi answered excited.

Lily hugged Yanagi and smiled then left to her class. Yanagi did the same and entered math. While the students waited for their teacher to show up, Yanagi doodled in her notebook. The final bell rang and the kids wandering about the class sat at their desk. The teacher entered the classroom, put her stuff down and introduced a student.

"Hello class." Ms. Parr introduced herslef, "I would like to introduce a new student." She parted hands towards the door. After a few seconds a boy walked in. Black hair and brown eyes. He was wearing all black. The students stared at the new student for awhile.

"Introduce yourself."

"Hi, my name is Ki. I'm 17 and I live on my own." He paused to think, "and that's about it."

He went to sit down, behind Yanagi. The girls couldn't pay attention throughout class, they focused on Ki. The boys began to fill with anger and jealousy towards Ki. Yanagi freaked out completely, but, on the inside. She took a quick peek at Ki, her eyes widen and her mind exploded.

"Omg! That really is him!" Yanagi thought in her head. "I haven't seen him in years!"

Ki looked confused.

After class, Yanagi quuckly packed her things and headed towards the door. She looked back,
"Hey new kid! We have a bone to pick with you!" One of the male students called out.
"Yeah, what?" Ki asked without looking at them.
"We don't like how you are taking all the girls attention," said another male student.
"Well, that seems like a you guys problem, not mine. See ya later." Ki commented walking pass Yanagi, leaving.

Yanagi shook her head towards the boys who were harrasing Ki. She left, meeting up with Lily and two other girls.

"Ready?" Lily asked.
"Yeah," Yanagi nodded her head. They headed out. Ki passed them, Yanagi felt an electric charge between them. She looked back, he didn't. She watched him walk off.

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