

Criminalisation in Politics

We all, meanwhile, able to know about the incident happened in Uttarpradesh.A dreaded Gangster Bikash Dubey had been encountered. I don't elaborate the incident but try to find out root cause of the problems. Let me make it sure that is not a simple encounter. The lid of criminalisation in politics ,however, had to done in coon's age of india.In a survey,43% MP in parliament after 2019 Lokshaba election has been founded criminal records against them!!Some of you people might ask me why I m dragging politics into it.So my friend please wait and read untill I finished.

A man who has 62 criminal records with 5 murders & 8 attempted to murder galloped without any political embracing?Is it not ridiculous?Moreover, You will be astonished to hear this man was in govt in UP. In 2001, he and his aides killed a minister although exemption from behind the bars. How's the audacity!!Is it possible for without political biasing?? My Answer is NO,NEVER.

The extra-judicial killings is no new to so called "ATMANIRBHAR" India.You may tell me police did their duty saving themselves. The person should be killed earlier. Ok bro , answer one thing: Did you see any of most wanted criminals wonder here and there(Ujjain temple in MP) after accusing of killing 8 cops?My answer is NO,NEVER. This is totally got up case.

If you see the protection by STF (special task force) after arresting Dubey is quite inept. What is the need to travel with such a criminal in night from MP to UP?As far as I know, The UP cops brought him back without reprimand of district magistrate in MP.This is sine qua non according to our constitution.

Police claimed that the accused snatched their arms and try to shoot them out.But the trailing media van as well as eyewitness reports that the accused was no there in the accidental car.I didn't sure about that.But becomes assertive something else was happened there.

Now coming to the root cause of the incident .Actually Dubey was a puppet of political leaders of ruling and opposition party in UP.We all know that UP is a highest populous state in india so their vote bank matters more.There is a myth,by virtue of it, it seems to have the party which possessed UP also belongs to Central. Such a criminal offence is normal matter to their state because it is a political biased state. If Dubey was in living condition in imprisonment then many political leaders had to taken their masks off.This is not a acceptable one to them.

When four men accused of rape had been encountered ,whole country was clapping as did same in this case.The police often took the law in their hands.This is great problem in our dystopian society. There is no means High court, Supreme Court etc.The legal processes in our country is too slow to accomplish. Moreover 4 crore cases are expected to pending all over the country. Court loses their credibility to the people. They all want the justice as soon as possible. Indeed, The govt. should built fast track court and appoint officials as per requirement. Then the people's grievances would be redressed and incarnation their faith into the law again.

Last but not least, Don't raise the question, It is their problems nothing should be dealt with us. This is not a correct approach bro.We are Indian. It is our country's problem. We have to work out this problem together. If you don't go against of it,your family can be next victim without doing any fault, who say?

© Biswajit