

Searching for true soulmate pt 10
Shaina came to her father's hometown but it's an small village. she used to live in a big city so it's very difficult for them to get used to this living style easily. Shaina didn't even say goodbye to Ajay. She's missing him so much but she's too busy to call him. As she came to her father's hometown things are getting even worse for her as her family got bigger suddenly. She has already been through alot but now even grandmother is here to scold her.
Finally after a week she got time to call Ajay and she's happy finally she can talk to her love. Even if she's mad at him she loves him alot so she decided to call him first.
Shaina: Hellow.. i missed you so much how are you are you alright do you miss me. " Ajay cut her off"
Ajay: Why are you asking if I am fine or not. Do you really care. I mean how can you be so responsible. Or do you find someone else tell me. Why didn't you call me. Tell me..
Shaina: why are you yelling at me Ajay.
I was busy in shifting stuff. But i missed you so much please forgive me you know I love you right.
Ajay: Stop this nonsense okey. How can you stay busy for whole week. Didn't you eat, Didn't you drink whole week then why didn't you call me god damm it.
Shaina: Please don't yell at me you know how scared i am when someone yelled at me.please..
Ajay: Wow you are even crying now. Can't you act like mature woman stop crying like a baby wait i just don't wanna talk to you. " He Hung up the call"
After that everytime she call him they ended up fighting. Shaina is so confused sometimes Ajay behave like she's the most meaningful thing for him and sometimes he behaves in so abusing way. She's going to join her college for graduation but still Ajay doesn't want her to join. He want her to stay home and study and his explanation was that he doesn't want to loose her. Shaina always feel like he is pointing her character . because whenever she talks to anyone no matter if it's a guy or a girl he treats her so badly. He even insult her friends so that no one would talk to her. Shaina's feeling so alonevat that time becouse neither she have friends who were always there for her and nor she can relay on her family.
Whenever she try to defend herself he always end up making her feel like she did the wrong. Shaina started getting sick and dipressd. She's feeling like she got out from jail and went to hell. She was dipressd but she always keep smiling so that her family won't get to know about her sadness and dipression. She's getting sick but Ajay only cares about himself. he want her to call him everyday with smiley face. He said he hates it when he saw her crying but the truth was he doesn't want his mood to get spoilt. Shaina started doing part time jobs so that she doesn't have to spend much time at home while her condition is getting worse. Her life was going like hell She goes to college then to work and after coming home she has to do the household chores. She always think why did Ajay change so much, where did she go wrong.
She never talk to anyone at college or at work. A girl like Shaina became so silent.There was a time when she's strength of others but at her hard time no one is here to help her . Students at her college used to bully her, whenever something bad happen in class they blame her. Her teachers always trust others, but this girl never loose hope. She's going through all this alone but doing her best in everything. But she's so scared of Ajay whenever she does anything against his will he threats her that he'll commit a suicide. She doesn't know what to do And how her love life become abusive. Today she's feeling much more week so she decided to go to the doctor. Doctor told her to get some tests so she does and went home .
Doctor told her that her results will be out and they will mail her. Her life is going like this untill the day came she got her reports and she had blood cancer..........
Doctor told her to bring some family members with her so they can discuss about her treatment but she immediately block his contact number. She doesn't want to get better maybe that's the way she can get rid of her problems. She didn't tell anyone about her sickness and going with the flow.
let's see if she can even fight with her disease or she's going to finally get rid of her life.
© niya gill