

To You Who Should Do The Same
To All You Gamblers,

I used to stare out the big window in my office daydreaming about giving all of it up. What if I just left all this behind and took off on a motorcycle on I10 West. I'd make the coastal highway before sundown, that means I could sit in the sand and watch the sunset.

I'd have that little daydream then I'd look back at my computer screen and shake off the distraction. I don't know how many times I had daydreams that were variations of that one. Sometimes I'd be in a motorhome bound for Alaska. Or a sailboat bound for the blue water of the Caribbean. I told myself over and over again that I was building an amazing life with my 90 hours a week business, my high maintenance wife, and my pile of debts. It was an alright life I was building. Part of the one percent. Money is a nice burden to have most of the time. Money has a bad name. But it's not money that causes the mayhem in the lives of the Rich and famous. It's debt. The first thing the banks do for someone who's off to a good start in real life us to offer them loans. So those caring and loving banks give these young adults lots of credit cards with high limits and mortgages and car loans and boat loans and this goes on and on. I myself loved it and piled it on. All the debt that I could negotiate with my Wall Street mind. I was great at running up debt. A month of debt changed up high started to take me two or three months to pay off. But o always paid it off eventually. Then the gambing started to kick my ass in. Now it was five or six months it took to pay off my card balances. I carried that debt like a fucking took another gableheadache. Then one day I just didn't. Yup, I stopped working fo hard to pay off the debt and just let the debt ride. I gave myself an inch. You don't have to make that car payment on time. Nd Not that boat payment either. Nothing happened kdtoright off. So i forgot about it and let myself keep living a large life. Four months, four months later the i letters started coming. Then the letters needinsignature. Then I dove deeper. I grasped at that gambling as my chance at a comeback. I went in there with ten grand in my hand to that casino and hit the tables hard. I won big. But, I took another gamble, an insane gamble. I didn't pay my bills with the winnings. What next? I took more inches and feet and yards and finally the whole mile. Yup, I told tge world i could play on different rules. How do you think this goes for me my beloved readers? Not well? Absolutely awful? Well, let's remember that which does not kill you can only make you stronger. That's the line im sticking with at least. That leads me to a valuable life lesson. Pick a path, stick with it long enough to conclude its worth finishing out. Never bale early.


© Edward Storm