

To all the kids who were strangled to death by their friends, family or the society.
Friday, 5:30 pm, somewhere in the outskirts of Varanasi, sat 2 kids with a cup of tea in each of their hands in the riverside, watching the dying light fade into the horizon.

The girl took a sip from her cup and looked at the guy. He was trying to hold the hot cup in his hand and take a sip. After trying thrice, he got up, headed back to the tea stall and brought an empty cup, poured half of the tea and let out a sigh of relief. The girl started laughing and he snapped out of his world and said, "Whaat! If I weren't careful, I'd have burnt my tongue and disappointed all the kebabs calling out to me".

The girl is Ross and the guy is Shubu. They have been best of friends for over 3 years now. In the era of friendships that complete their lifecycle in 1 year, 3 is not a bad deal. 3 reminds me of... Ross woke up to a call from Shubu 3 in...