

Prince's Heaven
Prince William Tunde Wallace glared at the piece of paper in his hand that held his mother's goodbye note.
Right now she would be in England already and he felt bitterness fill him at the thought. He was in Nigeria right now. the last place he wanted to be.
Ever since his parents had gotten divorced he had known he would come back here to stay with his Nigerian father and paternal grandmother.
He missed his mother, Yes he was sixteen years old and not a child anymore but he was allowed to be angry. He didn't belong here.
Prince grew up in England and spent all his life there. His visits to Nigeria were few and far between.
Until a year ago that is, when his parents decided on a divorce. His father had continuously asserted that his son needed to know his African heritage.
Prince's skin might have been brown but he didn't consider himself Nigerian. He was more connected to his white British mother and felt more comfortable with her family than with his father's.
Everyone here was stiff and wanted to be addressed formally. Their customs tired him.
But right now he was in his father's house in Lagos,Nigeria. He plugged in his earplugs and turned on music on his iPod, still he couldn't help but glare at the note.
"Hey there love, I'll miss you so much see you in December for the wedding. Do keep a diary and learn everything you can about Nigeria. I'll call as much as I can. I love you, Mommy."
He shut his eyes not wanting to see those words again.
fuck her.

© Mimi Ali