

How music cures our anxieties | PhsyGo | Lexi A'bare
Music is not only known for its calming synchronization but also for its unknown healing powers that magically calms ones soul.The magic of music is endless and it magically let's you overcome your anxieties

Howdy, I'm Lexi A'bare, a German speech therapist and pianist.I treat my patients with music and the positive outcomes are endless.I believe in the healing and magic of music.And I want you to too.

A few years ago, I was feeling terribly scared and I used to have my best friend, who is also now on Writco, graphic designer and ARMY @wontstobit. Who would spent sleepless nights with me. But when we were out of art school, we headed our own ways

After a few months of graphic designing, I left my job and went to refuge autistic kids and help them live better lives and to be seen equal.My terrible fear started again and this time I had to deal with it by myself, what would I Do?

I stiffened up and sat up, I listened to Carnegie hall, It woke me up and gave me that feeling of happiness and positivity

How music treats are anxieties is unexplainable yet it has many theories, well I would say that the magic in music is what treats all our Anxieties,

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