

Rejections Are lessons
"Follow your heart
But take your brain with you"

I found this quote somewhere and I actually laughed after seeing this
Because it is the thing
Most of us forget to do
I think we all have been in love once in our life...
Some of us don't get our love and then we feel so useless and rejected
But I think feeling like that is the extreme point of stupidity

Lemme tell you by taking an example...
If you love someone and then he /she rejects you doesn't mean that you got rejected...
"Rejections are lessons"

The person who rejects you looses someone who had loved him /her truly but you don't

Always take a rejection as a lesson
A lesson that makes you
Not one that breaks you...

May it be any field...
Love... Job... School or whatever
Rejections teach us a lot
© Alexa