

Demolition- 2015 (Drama)
Jake Gyllenhaal always wondered me with his mesmerizing performance. His face itself can tell us a thousand stories, hence I personally felt he's the most underrated actor of this decade.
2015 released movie 'Demolition' unfold the story of Davis Mitchell, a banker who lost his wife during an accident, struggles to cope with his wife's death.
After Julia's death, Davis reflects out loud that since his wife has been gone, everything he has encountered has been a metaphor for something else.
Mourning can be different from one another. Struggling with the reality that he ain't pay attention to his wife, and her true feeling for her make Davis to a self discovery journey. Hence, he started to smashed everything to make a new feeling and philosophy for himself.
On the verge of his self realisation he met a Mother and son who needed him as much as he needed them in that moment of life.
If you wish to watch a meaningful drama with brilliant performance,then this is for you.