

By The End of the Time E 01
Sharum!! You heard that news of the virus outbreak what they are calling it (giving the confused expressions)
his father asked him Baba its coronavirus said sharum. We should move to our home country what do you think
my son I do not think that staying in Iran would be a better option. Come on dad sharum said while giving the
expressions as if he is tired of hearing his dad s speech. I am currently stuck at a deal with the managers of the
company here and you are forcing me to return to homeland over an absurd virus which is just in China. O my
dear son! I do care about your work and I know who much important this deal is for you but I don’t have a good
feeling about this virus it’s going to cost the world something. Come on dad I am sick of it while saying this he
left the room.
While seating at a café with his friend called Osama, who were his colleague too he mentioned his dad s speech.
Osama laughed and said the media of today has gone into the nerves of our parents they are so innocent that they
will worry about the news of west while seating at the corner of east. Anyhow leave it we have more important
things to worry about. That person whom we talked tomorrow has not been convinced about the deal and I think
we should make our presentation and negotiation with them more effective otherwise we will not get promotions
from our company.
Hey sharum! You didn’t call me yesterday me and our daughter was missing you so much. I know I know said
sharum while smoking the cigarette. You are smoking again sharum her wife in an angrily voice said I thought
you would leave it for our daughter at least why are you doing harm to yourself? Come on don’t start like baba
now I didn’t call you for that. Okay bye now I have to work. Take care.
Coronavirus is an epidemic it can shake the economies of the states said the analyst on the T.V. look son I told
you I didn’t have good feeling about that virus. Come on baba these idiots have no work in their lives and they
just come here to exaggerate so that people like you will be sacred as hell. Okay Allah hafiz I have a meeting
with a Chinese employee of that country today. Pray for me baba this deal is very important. Chinese? His baba
said raising his eyebrows with questions. Baba! And then he left.