

Abandonment Pt1
This story is pretty childish.
That's mainly because it was written by me when I was around 8 years old.
I's probably gonna sound weird but just imagine a baby wrote it and it will be fine.
Also, ignore the category. I didn't know what ro put.

Anyways, this is it.

The wind was blowing in my face. It was so exciting when James took me out of the house. I loved the feeling of fresh air in spring time! I jumped around in the backseat of his car and he laughed at me.

I’ve grown to know what it means when James curls his lips and his cheeks become a shade of pink. It’s a thing that humans do the moment they feel happy, it’s what he was doing at that moment.

The car suddenly came to a halt at a familiar sunny spot. “Oh thank you for bringing me to the park, James!” I exclaimed enthusiastically. I dashed out of the car the moment he opened the door for me. “Wow! The grass looks perfect to roll in today!” I gasped. He gestured to a spot under a tree, it was our favourite spot in the whole park. I immediately scampered towards the grass and rested my furry body on the soft ground. I could feel the earth against my back as I rolled in the wet and muddy soil.

James never minded if I got a little dirty, even if he had to clean me up when we got home. He was without a doubt, my one and only best friend. The moment he picked me up from the pet store that fateful day, I knew that he was destined to be mine for as long as I lived.

I turned my head to James, he was no longer doing the thing humans do when they are happy. Instead, his eyes were drooping as he eyed my from the spot under the tree. He bit his lip, and turned his head away, looking the opposite from happy. I had never seen him like that before.

A moment later, he got into his car and shut the door tightly. “Where...where are you going?” I was so shocked. Did he leave me here on purpose? No, I was too important to him, he couldn’t have. “Wait! James! Wait for me!” I yelled for him but the car that he was driving soon was too fast for my weak puppy legs to catch up.

“James...?” I cried. What was I going to do?