

Part 9
Chapter 29

'With things escalating as quick as they are, drastic decisions need to be made.' Aunty said as we stopped to a warehouse in Ishinomaki Harbour. We got out of the car and entered the building. A man was standing near a table with a gun in his hand. He lifted the gun and shot at aunty. As we were walking behind her we were not going to make it in time to protect her.
'You know full metal jackets don't work on me—they're too slow.' The bullet was in her hand. She managed to hold a bullet without getting hurt.
'I was just checking if it's really you. Any imposter wouldn't be able to perform your speciality.' The man said as he approached her.
'Its been too long General Kamine.'
'Likewise Candice–san.'
The two hugged each other like they were family members that hadn't seen each other in a while. The rest of us were staring with our jaws dropped after what had just happened.
'Oh come on kids, catching a bullet isn't so different than cutting it. If you can see it, then you're fine, it doesn't require super human abilities. Now, this is General Kamine Yoshimura. He's an old friend of mine. He's the one that will help us skip the country.'
General Kamine Yoshimura. I remember him. I once saw him in a file that I picked up in a job.
'Its a pleasure to meet you—Kage Yoshi. General Superintendent Commander of the sixth alpha battalion. Responsible for the covert ops of taking down Rashid Amani's army in the civil war between Iran and Iraq, resulting in Japan having control over their weapons and communications department.' The building was quiet as I bowed in respect.
'Look kid, I'm not that person.' He sighed.
'Sure. And I'm not Nobunaga.'
'You've done your homework kid. Nobody calls me that any more. But those were the days. What's your name?'
'Shiro Kamui sir.'
'Hmm. Your name sounds familiar. Weren't you part of the Demon X—' before he could finish his sentence, Aunty interfered.
'Shall we get to business?' She grabbed his arm and we headed for the table. What did he want to say? That question kept bothering me.

Chapter 30

'Now then. Since the broadcast, we have only encountered one attack and more are still to come even if we move carefully. So we will skip the country in order keep Mei safe from whoever may be looking for her.' Aunty said as she looked at all of us.
'The question is, where are we gonna go? No country is safe if we don't have allies.' Kazuto said looking at me.
'Even if we do have allies, most of them would betray us considering the reward being offered for our capture.' I said looking at the General, 'General, what do you think of our situation?'
'Oh no kid. I'm not involved in this. I'm here as transport, that's all.'
'Then you're of no help. Mei, any thoughts?' Mei was quiet, she seemed to be deep in thought but my call to her snapped her out of it.
'Umm..... I'm not sure I'd be of any help.' She looked down at her feet in disappointment.
'This is no time to be feeling sorry for yourself. We're here to protect the world through you so the least you could do is offer up an idea.'
'None of my grandfather's associates would be willing to help, considering the reward.'
'That's a start.' I smiled at her, 'anyone else?' As I asked, everyone went silent as they gathered their thoughts.
'France.' Everyone stared at me.
'Why France?' Aunty asked.
'I met an ally back when you sent me in there to take care of the Columbian Cartels that were causing trouble for the French Government. She's the one that gave me accurate info of their whereabouts after it had changed.'
'You think they can be trusted?' Kazuto asked.
'More than you—yes.'
'Now now boys. No fighting.' Merylin stepped between us.
'I don't mean to ask this but wouldn't she become a threat at some point?' Mei asked.
'No. Volpe isn't like that. She's a neutral thief. I trust her.'
'Her?' Mei and Aunty asked in unison.
'This is no time to be jealous. This is serious. Oh and weapons aren't a problem, she has plenty. She may be a thief but she's well armed.'
'So, why France?' Merylin asked.
'I just thought of an idea, it's risky but hear me out. Instead of running away, why not face them head on?'
'How the hell do we find someone who's whereabouts are unknown?' Kazuto asked.
'Chizuro wants me, so I'll be bait to lure him out, right Shiro-kun?' Mei said looking at me.
'Mei's got the gist of things. Anyone else get it?'
'Its not a bad idea. Lure him out and take him out. Eliminating the threat that is making us run. That way no one will pursue us if the payer is dead. Let's do it.'
Aunty said with a smile. Strange, why would she smile about this?
Merylin trembled as we discussed the plan, aunty put her hand on her shoulder to calm her down.
'So France it is then. I hope this of yours "Volpe" won't disappoint.' Merylin said as she walked out. We may be a small group but we're far more skilled than Chizuro's personal army. We won't lose.