

Sometimes it's a choice between what can be done or not. Whatever you decide, you carry the burden of its after effects. You can only blame yourself. People say to stick on by your decision, but isn't it a bit stubborn to do so, when your mind tells you that you could have opted the other choice. But since you have publiticed your choice, again you fear the response of the society if you don't stick by your decision. And then again, people say that being indesicive shows your weakness. Isn't that because you care about that matter and want the end result to be perfect you become indecisive at the starting.
Always fearing the response of society. When will all this end?
You do have an option of not caring about anything else, but then again if you come to think of it, you are indirectly dependent on the society in your daily life.
I guess all of this will change when people stop judging others and focusing on improving themselves.